Part 18

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I'm in this fucking trunk and I don't have an ounce of fight in me. What do I have if I make it out if this alive? I have nothing worth fighting for. This mf took my women, children, and money. The will to live finally kicked in. Fuck it I can start over somehow but I gotta get tf out of this trunk....

We're just cruising on the 405, or should I say slow-05, top back, music blasting and just feeling great. I'll feel much better once we get rid of my cousin bitch ass. Traffic starts to move a little more fluidly and my excitement really kicked in.

The trunk flew open...

I found the secondary emergency release for the trunk latch. I twisted, turned, caught a cramp but I was finally able to trigger it. The trunk flew open! Even though traffic is flying I would rather take my chances jumping out and hopefully surviving. Hell getting my ass knocked off by an suv would probably be better than what they have planned for me. Fuck it I tucked and rolled out that bitch...

Fuck!!!! He woke up!

{cars screeching, horns blowing, and sounds of crashing cars follow}

We looked on as he dodged every on coming car like a quarter back going for a touchdown at the Super Bowl. We looked at each other and had to make a quick decision of either running him over, letting him continue to run, or keep it pushing. We had fake plates on this mf any way so fuck the police. We'll high speed chase this thang out of we have to. Maddy turned the car around quickly w/o warning and rode up on B. Me and Derrick snatched his ass in the back seat and burnt rubber getting off of the eway. We pulled into a park, to gather our thoughts.

I got it, I screamed. It's gonna draw a little heat but fuck it we aren't gonna make it back to BH in that car without being spotted. I got us an uber using a fake account. When she arrived in her truck I got in and hit the unlock switch. Maddy put the gun to her head and pulled her out. Derrick grabbed her and duct taped her mouth, arms, wrists and legs. After he taped her to a swing and pushed. He said, I'm sorry we have to do this miss but you can enjoy this swing a little. I looked at his crazy ass and said if you dont come on! He chuckled and said what did I do childishly. We took everything out of the car and set it on fire. This time we made sure B's ass stayed knocked tf out. We peeled tf out of that park and went home.

{🚨Breaking News! Man jumped from car's trunk causing major crash on the 405, suspects car found at local park on fire🚨}

Omg what are we gonna do?! Derrick said wtf do you think we're gonna do?! That little stunt he pulled ain't stopping this show. I pulled the truck in the garage and Derrick said he's gonna have it scrapped before morning.

I dragged his high yellow ass to the farthest guest house and called everybody down. It was Ava, her parents, Maddy, Tiff, Asha, Erica and myself. I previously sound proofed the room and protected the entire room with plastic. I sat B in a chair in the center of the room tied up. We all walked in dressed as if we were ready to perform major surgery. I woke him up with smelling salts. He came to and tried his best to break free. Each of us had our own choice of knife or torture instrument. Tiff went up first, she fell to her knees in front of him in tears. She screamed at him you brought us to this, you wrecked our lives without one single care. Her weapon of choice was a freshly sharpened sickle. She slowly drug the knife from his cheek down to his ankle, going deeper and deeper with every tear that fell. And left one large gash on his chest. Erica and Asha decided to go together they both had machetes. Erica started at his feet and said for every time you walked out and walked all over me; B screamed as she chopped each toe off one by one. Asha went to his hands and said for each time you've touched me with ill intentions; she chopped off the tips of every other finger. B yelled out deliriously that's all y'all got! Maddy went up and had a small sized hunting knife and pliers. She sat on his lap and said for every time you spoke false promises; she sliced small deep slits in his upper and lower lips, then pulled out his front two teeth. Ava yelled out in laughter, I bet all you want for Christmas is your two front teeth face ass! Ava's parents walked up together. Ava's mom said you took our son away from us and took him away from his only daughter. We let you in our home with good faith of you being who you said you were. We trusted you. Ava's dad spoke with tears in his eyes. You took my only son. He was not only my son but my best friend besides my wife. You don't give af about your children so I don't expect you to feel the pain Im feeling, but I'm about to for damn sure make you feel it. Her dad brought in a Doberman and her mom has a ninja sword. The dog attacked and chomped B's arms and lower legs. B screamed, as Ava's dad said do you think this is what gator teeth feel like or possibly worst? Ava's mom stabbed him in both of his shoulders and left the blade in his left shoulder. Ava went up next she sat on his lap and stared him in the eyes and didn't say a word. She smiled sweetly and B spit blood into her face. Ava laughed as licked a little off of her lip and punched him square in the nose. She grabbed his face along with her sai daggers and slowly pushed one through his cheek and out of the other. She pulled down his pants and stabbed the other right through his wood. She kissed his forehead, winked and walked off .....

Alright you guys lets go and get cleaned up and let him and D have some alone time....

The thing is I don't want to kill you just yet. The same way you made us suffer is the same thing I intend to do to you. He was bleeding badly. He moaned and groaned and attempted at screaming. I lit a cigar and we had a little chit chat. You know B where you truly fuxked up with me at is when you fucked Ava. I didnt give af about you taking my money or any other bs but you had the audacity to go after my wife. His eyes got big as he tried to speak. I pulled the dagger from his cheeks. He spoke and said, I sure did fuck her and I love every second, every scream and every stroke I laid on her. I laughed grabbed his head, and rammed the dagger back through in a new spot. Wrong answer mf! Tears flowed down his eyes as he shook and screamed for dear life in the chair. I put my cigar out on his forehead, turned the light off and walked out.

Idgaf what they do to me they can't break me down, I'm built for this torture shit. But that damn Ava I can't handle her not saying a word. It's tearing me up I don't know what she was thinking as she stared me in the eyes....

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