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Vader. It was a symbol, a warning, a name, a monster.

The unseen beast appeared on the island-world of Scarif virtually overnight, his palace as huge as his reputation around the galaxy. His palace covered one island in it's entirety, travelers coming to dock outside the massive estate. He was feared more than the Hutt Clan, respected more than the pitiful "rulers" of other systems, worshipped more than the mother goddess and the force itself. Though none had ever actually seen the mysterious entity and lived to tell the tale, no one in the universe questioned his existence. Patrons who flew from all corners of the stars came to him for guidance, most of which merely wished to pray before him.

Any time Vader made his presence known (whether it be by a low growl, a slight shift of the curtain or the ever-rare word or two,) it was never pleasant. He didn't hate his self-appointed followers but he didn't like the interaction. He wanted peace and quiet, to be undisturbed by any and all living things until he wanted to deal with them...

Due to his beastly form no one would ever have the displeasure of seeing, Vader wanted nothing more than isolation from the world. He'd be alone forever anyways...


One day, a man by the name of Rush Clovis wandered into the entity's palace. Along with him was a slave, the puny little thing practically gasping as her master dragged her along by a chain. "Mighty Vader, all powerful god among us!" He greeted, yanking the girl so she fell forward onto her knees. "I bring you a maiden in exchange for your blessing... I wish for my business with the Banking Clan to be successful and to be prosperous, all in your name, mighty one." He knelt down, his head bowed.

A low growl echoed through the massive throne room, drawing gasps from it's visiting travelers. "A maiden for a blessing, huh?" Vader's deep baritone voice was soft yet menacing. "Why have you brought me a virgin rather than gold?" Rush looked up at the curtain, not having expected an actual response from the beast. The holy being must've felt talkative today because usually, he never made a sound. "Great One, I've not a penny to my name... This slave is one of my father's youngest; she's far too beautiful to work on his farms and too weak to work in his factory. He gave her to me in hopes of selling her for gold but a blessing from you would mean much more to me than any money she'd sell for..." Silence reigned in the room for a few moments before the beast growled yet again. "She's a slave? Born or purchased into slavery?"

"Born, Great One. Her whole family is owned by my father."

Vader growled even fiercer this time, angry by the mortal's answer. "I absolutely hate slavery... Guards, seize this foolish human." Cloned humans rushed the man, careful not to hurt the woman on the floor. "You will not receive my blessing but rather the edge of my blade... Take him outside and sink him in the waves." Rush began to struggle in the guards' hold as they dragged him away. "Great One, please! Have mercy!"

"You should've had mercy on the people you whip as they serve you tirelessly!" Vader roared, sending a chill down the slave girl's spine. "Rex..." He calmed himself, taking a deep breath. A blond-headed man in a blue tunic stepped in front of the curtain. "Yes, Holy One?" The celestial being paused for a moment. "Remove any restraints and trackers from the maiden... The rest of you, leave us." Rex hurried down the stairs, cautiously approaching the slave girl. "Easy, I only want to take off your chains." He saw the fear in her eyes, the slave flinching away from him. She held as still as possible, letting the man take off her shackles and the choker around her neck. He hurried away, leaving the girl alone with their ruler.

"Come closer, my dear... I will not hurt you." Vader's voice was a lot softer, not booming off the walls like before. The slave girl cautiously walked up to the steps, stopping below the first one. "Sit on the top step..." He commanded her, hearing her hurriedly do as he said. "What is your name?" She looked down at her lap, extremely shy. "P-Padmé, my master... Padmé N-Naberrie." Vader nodded softly, never having heard such a beautiful name. "I am the all-powerful Vader, immortal among man... I suppose I will be taking care of you from now on." She smiled softly, though he couldn't see it. "I don't wish to be a b-burden on you, Master. I live to s-serve..."

(Star Wars) - Possessive Beast #Wattys2017Where stories live. Discover now