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"I called it! I called it!"

Cordé practically skipped into the parlor, Dormé working on organizing the makeup station in what was a silence. "What are you blathering on about now?" The elder handmaiden sighed, giving the lipstick grid a good wipe down. "Rex just told me that the Master proposed to Miss Padmé and she said yes! They're getting married tonight at sundown." Cordé squealed, giddy with excitement. "That means we've only a day to ready her for the ceremony then... Wait, why aren't they waiting a bit to plan this wedding out? What's the rush?" Dormé set the clear glass organizer down into it's drawer, ready to organize the lipstick they had by brand then shade. "You know the Master; he's eager to officially make Miss Padmé his." Cordé smiled. "I can't wait to see her! Oh goddess, this is so exciting?"

"What is?"

The handmaidens turned around to see Padmé in the parlor's sitting room, rubbing her eyes as she approached them. "Miss Padmé, we heard the news from Master Rex..." Cordé bit the corner of her lip, gently taking the petite girl's hands. "...and we'd like to be the first to offer you our congratulations." Dormé laid a gentle hand on Padmé's shoulder, the women genuinely happy to see the Master finally settling down with her. "Thank you both, I really appreciate it. I'm so happy that we're doing this..." The engaged teen smiled softly, a faint blush on her cheeks. "If we may go ahead and ask, milady, what's the plan for this evening? Is it to be a big ordeal or a small gathering?" Cordé released her hands, going over to start the bathwater for the bride-to-be.

"Well, after discussing it with him, Vader and I thought it'd be the easiest to just have a small ceremony in front of the palace." Padmé arched her back, stretching as she shook out her messy curls. "Really? Forgive my shock, Miss Padmé, it's just unexpected that the Master wouldn't want to put on a show for his people." Dormé went back over to the makeup vanity, getting back to work on the lipsticks. "It's not so much about making a big deal out of it. Vader just wants us to be married as soon as possible. He's offered to have a bigger ceremony where his followers and such could attend but I'd rather just the intimate ceremony... I still can't believe this is all happening."

"Miss Padmé, the Master absolutely adores you. Surely, you knew the road would lead you both to the altar, didn't you?" Cordé raised a brow as she tossed a bath melt into the rising water. "I mean, I thought we'd end up getting pretty close to know one another but I never thought he'd love me the way her does. Hell, I didn't know I would end up loving him myself and yet, here we are - hours away from being married just after getting engaged a few short hours ago." Dormé smirked from the mirror. "Well, I suppose we have a lot of work to get done before this evening. Do you know what time the Master wants the ceremony to start?"

"Just after sundown."

"Excellent. We'll have time to do you up good then pull together some sort of wedding gown for you." The elder handmaiden fought back a smile, remembering how they'd already began creating and sewing together a wedding dress for her weeks earlier. "Let's start with a hot bath and then we'll go from there... We've got work to do."


Anakin quickly finished off his wedding gifts for Padmé, eager to see her and begin their lives together as a soul-bound couple.

He'd taken her collar's Force diamond and turned them into four smaller segments, the champagne gem turning into a complete jewelry set. Two pieces were crafted into stud earrings, the rose gold metal surrounding the backs like tiny vines. The immortal used the Force in order to shape a piece of the rock into a rose, taking more of the collar's metal to make a band for her wedding ring. The final piece of Force diamond was put into the center of a Japor Snippet he'd personally carved for her. He used the final bits of her collar to make a long chain for it, knowing she enjoyed her longer necklaces. He buzzed for Rex, the blonde appearing not even a minute later. "Yes, Holy One?" Anakin handed him the jewelry set, keeping the ring for the ceremony.

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