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"...thank you, Holy One!" A traveller bowed towards Padmé, worshipping the beast behind the curtain. She sat perched in Vader's massive hand, palm up and fingers relaxed. She laid over his palm on her stomach, using the crook of his thumb as a pillow; she watched the visitors from her elbows. "It's time for the Immortal Among Man to rest; go enjoy your midday meals then return in two hours' time." Rex called from the right corner of Padmé's platform. The immortal's subject began filing out of the large room, leaving him to tend to his people. "Rex, if you would be so kind as to have something sent up for Padmé, I'd appreciate it."

"I'm not hungry." She cut in, wrapping a blanket over her shoulders. Vader ran his thumb over her back, frustrated that she was still so down after the other day's events. "I suppose it can wait... Go eat something and relax, all of you." As the palace guards began to leave, Padmé started to crawl out of the deity's hand right as he closed his fingers around her. "Not you, my dear." Rex tossed her a sympathetic glance before exiting out of a side door. She laid out again, this time feeling her back connect with the immortal's warm palm. "Yes, master?"

"Damn it, Padmé. What can I do to make you feel better?" Vader curled his fingers around her slim body. "I'm tired of hearing you call me "master" instead of my name. I want you to stop being so mad at me, precious..." He sighed, the electricity he normal felt when touching her so faint it almost didn't exist. "I'm not mad at you, I just... This stupid collar makes me feel like I'm back on Scipio with Masters Clovis and Rush. I thought you promised I wouldn't be treated like a slave here." She confessed, allowing one of her hands to rub over one of his fingers. "I thought you trusted me, Vader..."

"I do trust you." He assured her gently resting his thumb down over his fingers in a loose fist around her. "Obviously not or I wouldn't still be wearing this stupid collar." She sighed, unable to keep herself from snuggling into his warmth. "My dear, what will it take for you to stop being so upset about this? That collar may just very well save your life someday..." Vader felt the faint sparks pick up ever so slightly. "I guess I see your point... I'll quit hanging on to this if you promise to control your temper better." She bargained, closing her eyes. He chuckled softly, giving the tiny mortal a soft squeeze. "I suppose that can be arranged."

"Good... Have you ever snapped like that before, Vader?" He sighed in relief as the sparks picked back up to their normal intensity. "Yes... It was a very long time ago, my dear. I won't have another repeat of that, I promise you." She hummed, stretching out her arms and back. "What happened before?"

He grew silent, remembering the fight that got him banished to the mortal realm. The Son had convinced him to steal a powerful sword for him, promising a great reward for the simple task. Dumbly, Vader took the sword and was transformed into the all-powerful giant he was now. "I did something I wasn't supposed to which turned me into the beast I am today... It's also the very thing that put me on this planet and led to me finding you." He smiled at the latter, pleased to have found something extremely pleasant about his exile. "I guess it's not that bad then; being here on Scarif, having an extravagant palace to call home, millions upon millions of beings ready to fall at your feet..." She smiled, curling up happily in his hold.

"I didn't ask for any of it... Hell, I never meant to interact with the mortals." He confessed, giving her a tiny squeeze. "I came to Scarif and built - what's to me - a simple temple to exist in and kept to myself for roughly a cosmic year. After that time of solitude, a couple of curious aliens stumbled into my temple and I scared them away. For the rest of time, many have either feared the beast or worshipped the immortal god among man... It wasn't until you came along that things actually started to change." Vader wished so desperately that he could hold her much closer but quickly reminded himself why she was now wearing the collar. "I hope that's not a bad thing - change around here." Padmé smiled softly as she sat cross-legged in his palm, playing with one of his large fingers - careful of the talon. "It's a welcomed change, my dear." He chuckled, enjoying the tiny hands and their fleeting, tingling paths over his dark skin.

(Star Wars) - Possessive Beast #Wattys2017Where stories live. Discover now