Padmé sobbed into her elbows, having finally crumbled to her feet in a nearby den. The large circle room was vacant, save a fire burning in the room's center circle pit. There were raised seats, almost like the stairs in front of her palette three-hundred-and-sixty degrees around the pit in the middle of the spacious room.


She sniffled softly, looking up to see a massive man in the doorway. "Anakin..." She cried, starting to sob again as he hurried forward. "Don't cry, my dear." He sat down on the ground by her, pulling the petite girl into his lap. Anakin shushed her, tucking her head beneath his chin as they rocked. "Oh goddess, Anakin... He's terrifying."

"He's not the same on the inside, I can assure you of that." He ran a hand over her head, feeling terrible for causing her such pain. "Yes, he looks like a beastly giant but I know for a fact he'd never lay a hand on you. My dear, he felt threatened by that man who wanted to take you away from him... Vader really does care deeply for you, Padmé; you needn't be afraid of him." She slowly started to calm down, listening to his heartbeat. "I shouldn't be but Anakin, what if I made him mad? What if he was so angry, he didn't care who he came across? I don't want to get hurt but I don't wanna hurt him in the process."

"Hurt him?" Their rocking motion slowed, one of his hands moving up to her face; his thumb rubbed across her cheekbone. "How could you hurt him?"

"He may be immortal but he still has feelings." She sighed, her amber-brown eyes closed. "I don't want to get too close to him but I also don't want to hurt his feelings. I'm his companion and I understand why he wants me to be... After today, I'm just a little weary of him, that's all." Padmé pushed on his chest, sitting up so their eyes would meet. "Vader's been beyond kind to me and made me feel like I'm a person, that I'm not a worthless slave girl anymore. He's given me a home, a place in the palace to call my own... He's still capable of taking that all away though if I ever upset him or..."

"I'm going to stop you right there." Anakin cut her off, gently taking her chin between his fingers. "Vader will never, ever take away what he's given to you. He is aware of how much all this means to you and he does care about you greatly." He soothed, releasing his hold to run a hand over her head. "The Immortal Among Man has never cast a second glance to any women, let alone mortal women... Padmé, he's already grown attached to you; he'd never raise a hand to you but he'd raise a hand to protect you."

"He's...attached? To me?" She couldn't really understand it. Vader was...attached to her? Why would anyone want to be attached to her of all beings? "Yes, my dear. I know for a fact that he cares very much for his new companion even if you haven't been with him very long." Anakin continued to rock her in his lap, enjoying the faint electricity he felt where their skin touched. "Can I ask you something about him?" She mumbled.

"Of course, my dear."

"Dormé and Cordé told me that Vader's never kept a companion before, let alone a slave girl to serve as his companion. Since you seem to know everything going on with him so detailed, I was wondering if you knew why he kept me instead of freeing me. Why did he want me as his companion?" She snuggled into his warm chest, holding his free hand in her lap. "Vader's not really gone into detail as much on that... The only reason I know so much is because I'm considered to be his confidant and second-in-command in his absence." He half-lied, not wanting to further ruin things with her so quickly. "He's...drawn to you but he doesn't understand why."

"Drawn? To me?" She snickered, curling into his shoulder. "I sincerely doubt that."

"It's true, he told me he didn't want you to leave from the very moment he sensed you set foot in the Immortal Palace." Anakin nearly growled, closing his eyes. "He actually cares about you but he doesn't know how to show you, especially being the giant that he is. Vader's just... confused about this, it's new for all of us; no one's ever been with the beast before." She raised a brow at him. "What do you mean by "been with?""

(Star Wars) - Possessive Beast #Wattys2017Where stories live. Discover now