Chapter 6

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( Zena Pov. )

" Humans are irresponsible.. Beside why are they here.. they weren't see by grandmother Porlyusica, she would have been able to see this happen before they arrived or not " I mumbled to myself stilling looking for this stupid human.

" Zena.. The boy.. The boy Zena. " I heard Shiba whispered Pointing into the directions of the boy by the river.

" He's going to die Shiba." I Said Quietly.

" Then help him Zena, You know Amber wouldn't be happy if you let him die. " Shiba argued.

" Fine only because I don't want to die. " I said walking slowly towards the guy making sure I didn't make a noise.

I then heard a noise coming to the side of me, my eyes widen to see a Trogon he was heading toward the buy I couldn't let that happen.

" Summer Queens Armor : Shining Arrows! " I yelled running towards the Trogon I yelled loud enough to get both the boy and the monsters attention. I then stand between the Trogon and the boy, I could hear him yelling " Who I am ", " What is that thing " or " Let me help fight that thing with you " I couldn't stand him talking while I was trying to stare and glare at the monster. So I kicked him to the side yelling to Shiba,

" Shiba Protect him and get that other one to help as well I think there will be another one so HIDE NOW ! " I ordered yelling to her.

" Yes of course Zena " She yelled back to me.

" Let's go now " .. " She can handle it her self." " If we stay we would only get her way.! " I hear her yell to them.

Once I knew  they were far enough away, I started to attack.

" AHHHHHHHH " I screamed towards it Equipped to my swords then jumping above striking down down trying to cut the chest threw the heart but it fail the monster hit me across my stomach throwing me against a tree making me lose my breath.

" Damn it " I mumbled holding my stomach trying to gain my breathing again.

" Summer Scorching Rays " I scream having a ray of bright light coming out of my mouth.

" ROAR ~! " I hear the monster screamed.

" Burning Light " I held out my hand seeing the bight light hit the monster in the chest threw the heart.

" Damn monster " I sighed and looked towards the monster that now lays dead on the ground I then started walked to were Shiba, the blue liger and that boy.

I walked more closer and I could hear yelling and i tell it was Shiba and that boy arguing. I walk more closer and I see Shiba sitting  on top of him all I could do was laugh at the site of Shiba sitting on him with her nose pointing to the sky with sass.

" Shiba off " I ordered with a smile.

" Zena ! Are you okay ?! " she yelled worriedly.

" Yes Shiba I'm fine just got the breath knocked out of me. " I smiled.

" Still you need to be careful, get on Zena " Shiba ordered me but I didn't argue with her I slowly slide onto Shiba's back and looked towards the boy.

" You are an Idiot " I said but before he could talk I look towards the blue Liger and said " Blue Liger what is your name ? " I asked kindly.

" Names Happy and the Idiot there is Natsu " the happy said smiling pointing to Natsu.

" Well Happy I need you to carry ' Natsu ' on your back and follow me and Shiba back to our Village, Please " I ordered gently and kindly.

" We can't we have to go back our family back at the camp. " he said sadly.

" Don't worry we have people there to bring your family back to our village, Now let's go " I said.

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