Chapter 26

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( Amber Pov. )

" Bixlow, Congratulations. My baby brother is growing up so fast. " I smiled hugging my brother to death.

" Amber, Please let go if you want your brother to survive for his Ceremony. " Sighed mother.

" Ah! Yes Mother. Sorry little brother. " I smiled.

" Oh, and where is the little drifter you were web to little brother ? " I asked Bixlow.

" Over there getting her little bag she had with her when she was with the drifters. " he smirked. 

" and I asume you are going to do what dad did to mother? " I smirked. 

" Of course she is going to be the new head wife of the head Fall Conseal and the head of the Warrior pack. She's going to have to be part of it if she likes it or not. " Bixlow laughed out loud. 

All I could do was laugh knowing its going to be funny the tribe will act when they found out tha he has a soon to be wife.

" Well good luck brother. I hope she likes the surpise. " I smiled.

All he did was smile his signature smile and i walked back to grandmother, knowing Bixlow was following as well to see what grandmother was going to do next. 

while we were walking back the Drifter gril was walking behind Bixlow. I look towards her and tilted my head, and I guess He saw me look at his new wife and wanted to know what was wrong. 

" What are you doing ? " I asked. 

" What do you mean ? " She asked back confusedly. 

" What I mean is why are you behind my brother and not in front ? " I asked her. 

" Oh, I.. I had t..thought i was supose to be behind him and not infront ? " she questioned herself. 

Me and Bixlow stopped walking looking to her. 

" who told you that ? " Bixlow asked. 

" No one I just thought that was the rule with you all and the rest of your people. " she said. 

" Look, " we people " have rules but that is not our rule. Women are the ones who are cherished here, Women here are the caregivers, protecters, we do everything around here and for the walking thing women are put first. Women are the ones who walk first then thier husbands or their lovers. if a man is trailing behind a women it's becuase the man does want anyone to take what is his. " I explained. 

" So what does that have to do with me ? " she asked. 

" You are treated like a goddess, to put it short. You are to be trailed by your lover becuase he is to tell and to let everyone know you are he's goddess. " he claimed. 

" what!? " she screeched. 

" Yes it's correct. My brother here is suppose to follow you around like a goddess has appeared in front of him. tell you he already does. " I said pointing at my brother who is behind her blushing that can put my hair to shame. All I could do was laugh at my brother who was embarrassed. 

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