Chapter 17

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*Courtney's POV*
When I woke up, Shayne was the first thing to come to mind. And because of this, he'll not likely stay in my thoughts all day.

As much as I didn't want to, I decided to go to work. I called Olivia and asked her to pick me up and she said that she'll be here in 20 minutes. I crawled out of bed and got dressed in my usual attire. Once I was dressed, I walked into the kitchen and made some cereal.

Olivia showed after exactly when she said she would and I got into her car.
O: "Hey, you know that you don't have to come to work today, right?"
C: "Yeah I know, but it'll give me something to do."
O: "But what if you run into him?"
C: "It'll be fine, I just have to try to avoid him."
O: "And just know that I'm always here for you if he does something stupid again."
C: "Yeah I know, and that makes you the best."

When we get to the Smoffice, we run into Anthony in the elevator.
A: "Good morning."
O & C: "Good morning."
A: "Just to let you know, we'll be having a meeting in 10 minutes in the conference room."
O: "Alright thanks, we'll see you there."

We all get off of the elevator and me and Olivia go our separate ways from Anthony.
C: "What do you think the meeting is about?"
O: "I have no idea."

As it gets closer to the meeting time, everyone starts to file into the conference room. This includes Smosh, The Smosh Squad, Smosh Games, and all the amazing people who work off camera. I sat with Olivia and we were as far away from Shayne as possible.
A: "Alright guys, we have a special announcement."
I: "Since the fans really loved Smosh Summer Games, we're gonna do Smosh Winter Games!"
Ian's statement filled the room with excitement.
A: "We're gonna be leaving next week, so make sure that you're all placed up by then."
I: "You should obviously pack warm clothes, but also bring a bathing suit since there's a hot tub.
A: "Two more things before you return to work,  this time Ian and I won't be competing, we'll sort of be spectators of it."
I: "AND Shayne will actually be competing in these games instead of being the ref."

Great, just great. Now I have to  worry about either competing with him or competing against him. I don't know which one is worse.

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