Chapter 10

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*Shayne's POV*
After filming and taking my costume off, I went to the restroom since they didn't let me when we were shooting the video. On my way out of the dressing room, I see that Courtney is still on set in her costume. I decided to leave her alone since she looked very deep in thought.

When I finished up in the bathroom, I decided to go grad two sodas from the office's fridge. One for me and one for Courtney. I was finally going to tell her the truth and hopefully without being interrupted...again. I walked back to the set and see that Courtney finally left. I stopped by the changing rooms and called out her name to see if she was in one of the rooms. But no one answered, they were all empty. I wonder through the Smoffice looking for her and asking people if they've seen her, but with no luck. After looking just about everywhere, I decide to head back to the squad's office to look.

When I walked in, I found her, but the situation wasn't what I was hoping for. She was standing there with her back to me and her lips pressed against Tyler's. I dropped the sodas out of shock and yell.
Courtney jumps when she hears me yell, and fear comes across Tyler's eyes.
He pulls away from Courtney and gives me a fearful smirk. Not even one second after that he goes into a run and leaves the room with me chasing after him. I didn't even know what I was going to do, but it wasn't going to be good. He finally runs out of the building and to his car. I give up at the point because I know that I won't be able to catch him. Then I remember her...Courtney.

I run back to the squad's office to see if she's still there and she is, but she's sitting in the corner of the room crying. Still filled with rage from Tyler, I make a mistake and yell at her.
She tried to talk to me in between sobs.
C: "Ss...Shayne, it's that."
S: "I don't believe you, and to think that I thought that you were the one. And I was going to tell you that I really like you, but I guess it's meaningless now."
She started to cry harder.
C: ""
She said that to me as I was leaving, but I was too heartbroken to care.

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