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"Your ass is looking right in that outfit"

I sit at home, in my bed. My mind keeps going back to earlier today, when I spoke to Grayson. No matter how mad or embarrassed he makes me, I always seem to fall right back under his spell. The hold that he has on me is a good one. Good enough to make me willingly go to a party. I don't like parties at ALL. The last one I went to, let's just say by the end of the night I went home smelling like throw up, that wasn't even mine. Great right?

I continue to lay in my bed, but someone texts me. I expected it to be Kora, but it was the complete opposite. Her brother.

Carson🌸:  you going to the party later?

Me: yeah

Me: why?

Carson🌸:  Kora wanted me to ask could you give me a ride

 Me: why?

Me: don't you have a car?

Carson🌸: yeah but my older brother is in town and he's using it

Me: fine

Me: what time?

Carson🌸: around 7 or 7:30

Me: too early for a party

 Carson🌸: we could do something before the party if you want to

Me: idk

Carson🌸: come on

 Carson🌸: it'll be fun

Me: fine

Me: i'll see you then

Carson🌸: great

I look at the time, and it's already 6:25. I get up, and go to my closet. I scan the numerous racks, for something to wear, I have to pick something that would look good for a party, and wherever Carson and I decide to go. I just decide to bring two outfits, one for Carson and one for Grayson.

 I just decide to bring two outfits, one for Carson and one for Grayson

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(Her fit for Carson)

I finish getting ready, and head downstairs. I see my parents, along with Mr & Mrs. Dolan, sitting in the living room. I stand on the last stair, and Lisa notices me.

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