Passing The Time

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William and Chris had been out of the country together before; Athens for the summer, France for the winter vacations, Germany for Oktoberfest. They had done it. It went off without a hitch.
This time was different. They were going to Vienna, and not just the two of them. Noora and Eva, their new girlfriends, were coming along. Chris' fathers would drop the two boys at the airport in Vienna, where they'd wait patiently until their girlfriends arrived at an hour or so later flight then they themselves. The two couples then planned to go to the hotel and tour the city.
Nothing went according to plan. Noora and Eva's flight got cancelled, forcing them to reschedule such that they were in the same flight as the boys, only Chris' father was on the flight (he was traveling for a business meeting to Dubai, Vienna being the place he'd have gotten off to catch his second flight taking him there), so the four had to pretend as though they didn't know each other.
Girls hit on Chris and William, and the boys couldn't flat out turn down their advances for Chris' father would grow suspicious and in turn both of their relationships would be exposed and their families would have a fit.
So the boys endured the flirting on the two-three hour flight; Noora was visibly annoyed by the girls while Eva became quietly sad, like she usually does whenever something upsets her. This broke Chris' heart; he'd seen her like this before. If something was troubling her, or worrying her she's become very very quiet and have a look of utter sadness on her face. She'd never complain about it however. Chris doesn't have a concrete answer for why Eva does it, but he assumes it's because of her parents being gone all of the time; if you don't have anyone to voice your problems to, you internalize it.
Noora noticed this, and in turn felt bad for her best friend, making her even more pissed off then before at the girls.
By the time the plane landed in Vienna and they had went through customs and all that hassle, Eva was visibly tired, emotionally. Noora was plain exhausted from the flight, the turbulence they had left not sitting right with her stomach, and the boys had given themselves obvious red marks on the collars of their shirt by trying to wash of lipstick stains; the girls on the plane, trying to kiss them, only received the textury feel of their shirts as the two former players ducked away from them, or as much as they could in their plane seats.
The duo said goodbye to Chris' father and immediately rushed over to their girlfriends. Noora and Eva obviously understood their previous situation, and they all piled into a taxi; Chris in front by the driver, Eva behind him, and Noora in between her best friend and boyfriend.
Completely wrapped up in William, Noora didn't pay much attention to Eva in that car ride. It was completely fine by Eva, seeing as she was content in taking pictures of the ever-changing landscape around them as the taxi whizzed through the narrow cobblestone roads of Vienna.
Chris looked at her from the rear mirror and, slipping his hand between the car door and his seat, found Eva's own and interlocked their fingers. Eva blushed and stared shyly back at him from the mirror.
He gave her that smile of his, the one he reserved only for people he considered family; that number could easily be counted using one hand. Only Katie, William and Ida ever got that look from him, and maybe a very young or scared family member or two. It was a look you didn't easily forget, one filled with plain love and adoration that simply said 'god am I lucky to have you.'
Chris had indeed managed to fall head over heels for Eva Kviig Mohn; Eva had done the same. Chris was the only person on this planet, besides her mother, to have a spare key to the house; while her mother only has it out of obligation, Chris was given it out of trust and love. Eva wanted to make sure Chris would have somewhere safe to call home if the Yakuza or anyone else thought of fighting him.
By the time they had checked into the hotel, their sleeping dilemma was quite clear. Instead of four beds, they only had two. With much shoving around and sarcastic shouts, it was decided that the girls would sleep together, and the boys vice versa.
So, their first day in Vienna began. They visited the Schonbrunn Palace and Zoo, Chris pointing out all the different attractions and unique animals all the while seeing as he had done his research about the place before even proposing Eva would join them. Eva giggled at his outrageously exaggerated tales about each animal, kissing his cheek and replying smartly to bits and pieces of the stories he wove on the spot.
Noora was telling William the biological miracles of the animal kingdom and stating downright random facts about each painting and creature they came across, all the while William listened intently to her and gazed at her lovingly.
At the Maze, found behind Schonbrunn, Eva and Noora took pictures of the scenery. Chris came up behind Eva and positioned her hands so that they inclined downright to the right a little, so that the photo looked better and straighter. He dropped his arms from hers and they rested on her waist.
'Handsy Schistad.' Eva commented turning around after she finished, but not moving away shyly like in the beginning.'
'Well who could blame me if I have a girlfriend so beautiful.'
The way that his eyes stayed on hers and didn't trail her body let her know that he didn't mean her actual figure, but rather her personality, and, dare Eva believe, soul. Her heart soared.
'You love reminding me of that and everyone else, don't you?'
Eva rolled her eyes.
'oh,' Chris looked around at the semi-crowded Maze and repeated loudly'-OH YOU MEAN THE FACT THAT I HAVE THE MOST BEAUTIFUL GIRLFRIEND-' Eva kissed him fully on the lips (even though she was comfortable in the relationship, she wasn't comfortable with strangers staring openly at her and her boyfriend as he shouted out his love to her quite yet) giggly a little in an attempt to shut him up as she did whenever Chris would show her that he had no trouble proclaiming his feelings about her in public; his parents were a different matter entirely. They didn't know and Chris didnt want to ruin his relationship with Eva by bringing their negativity into all this.
That was their first kiss. Surprisingly. Chris thought he'd be the one to make that move, but he was clearly wrong. Eva was a good kisser, he noted somewhere in the back of his head. It didn't matter at this point however. She could have been the worst kisser the world has ever known, and Chris would still be head over heels for her.
Noora looked nostalgically at the pair. 'When did we stop being like that?'
'We didn't, we're just keeping it private now.' William said kissing her cheek. Noora smiled and nodded.
Noora and Eva went to the Hofburg Palace as the boys went to Arsenal, the Military Museum of Vienna.
They all met up at Stephansplatz and went on the night route on a touristic tour. Once they finally got back to the hotel, the four teenagers kicked off their shoes and spread themselves on the two beds in separate rooms, each couple in one room respectively.
Noora and William started to make out, so out of decency and respect for their privacy Chris and Eva closed the door as they watched movies, until Noora knocked on the door, asking them why they locked it.
Chris' eyebrows furrowed in confusion.
'I didn't.' He replied.
'That means it must have gotten stuck. Damn doors. It's too late now to tell the front desk. We'll do it first thing in the morning.' William shouted back.
Chris groaned and Eva got off the bed.
'What, is being stuck with me for the night that bad?' She joked as she shrug off her beanie and scarf
'Heavens no- in fact, I know just how we should pass the time....'

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