The Truth

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Everything will work itself out at the party, Eva thought.

Chris stayed over that night, claiming that he wanted to finish the second season of HTGAWM.

Eva finished the cake, quickly heated some already made pasta, and closes up shop. She huddled in between layers of blankets and joined Chris in for the finale.

They both fell asleep on the couch. At 6 o'clock, Eva's alarm ripped through Chris' blissful sleep.

Swearing, Chris got up and cleared away everything from the living room counter. Eva took a shower and dressed in a grey turtleneck with ripped skinny jeans and black Nike running shoes.

As Eva ate her cereals, Chris got a text on his phone. He was in the bathroom downstairs, changing clothes and in full earshot.

Eva lay silent.
'Check who texted me babe.' He yelled from the bathroom.

She relaxed and looked into his phone.

It was Vilde, telling him about the party tonight and asking him if he could come.

She didn't know his password, so that's the only text she could see.

A thought crossed her mind. She had noticed Chris' phone habits, so to speak.

Feeling guilty, she pulled his home page down, revealing the date and time, showing notifications from messages and apps that wasn't cleared away yet (note: he has an IPhone). On it, she saw only one thing before she heard the bathroom door open; a phone number she had memorized years ago, Ingrid's. She was telling Chris to 'stop being coy.'

Her cereal bowl felt like a hundred tonnes. Chris entered the kitchen, picking up his own bowl.

'Who was it?'
'Just Vilde, inviting you to our party for Chris tonight; it's her birthday.'
'Yeah of course; where and when?'
'At my place at around 10.'
'Alright; why didn't you tell me about it?'
'Must have slipped my mind.' Eva replied, applying concealer and lipstick before trudging Chris into his car.

'We could skip first period.'
'We could also fail; oh wait, that's what'll happen if we do.'
Chris groaned and kept his eyes on the road. One hand steadily on the wheel, he interlocked our fingers together on another.

'Will you come over to my place tomorrow night for dinner?'
Eva's heart soared and felt deflated, taking in his words. Another night at his place, away from any prying eyes.
'Of course.'
It's not that Eva needed any sort of public approval to continue on with Chris; yet Sana's words rang through her, making her question one or two things.

School went by rather fast; last minute homework assignments being completed in breaks, wishing Chris (B) a happy birthday in every class, bringing in donuts after lunch with a candle lit up, presents exchanged and group hugs.

Eva tried not to overreact to what she had seen; after everything with Jonas, she was trying to work through her insecurities, yet she wasn't quite at the stage to accept her ex best friend flirting with Chris. She thought that Ingrid and herself were in a good place; after all, they had wishes each other happy holidays shortly before she left for Vienna. They had waved at each other in the halls two weeks prior to this 'thing' as Eva lovely dubbed it internally.

After school the girls convinced Chris (B) to have a sleepover at Eva's, and while Vilde alongside Sana kept the birthday girl busy, Eva quickly made space downstairs and got the cake out, with streamers, alcohol, and snacks. Their guests tiptoed into the house, leaving their cars parked down the street. Eva had party changed under her regular ones, just like the rest of her group upstairs, save Chris (B).

There was no sign of Eva's boyfriend.
Can I even call him that?, she wondered. He had never called her his girlfriend, save the time he asked her to be his.

By 10 o'clock, Eva had raced into her room and told the girls that the latest teen wolf episode had appeared. Vilde fake squealed, (quite convincingly) and Sana got up energetically, pulling Chris (B) with her.

It had been there preset code word.

Everyone either hid under furniture or hid in the downstairs bathroom and kitchen. As soon as her feet hit the ground floor, the guests burst out, popping streamers, Isak carrying her birthday cake, his posse brandishing alcohol in either of their hands.

Chris was visibly taken completely off-guard, and hugged all her close friends present before screaming and becoming the person every loved her for; the life of the party.

An hour into the party, Chris appeared. He wished Chris (B) a happy birthday, handing her a present before turning to Eva and apologizing, saying that his car wouldn't start.

Eva put on a smile and tried to call downs the voices in her head telling her he wasn't being truthful.

Everyone truly did have fun that night, Eva believed. Thoroughly intoxicated and giggling, the majority had come and gone by the time it was 3:30 am. By 4 am, when there was a maximum of 10 people left in the house, Eva was reflecting on the night.

Chris hadn't stayed with her, but rather his Penetrator friends that Vilde managed to coax into coming.

As she was lost in her own thoughts, a voice pulled her out of it. Another voice that drove her onto memory lane.

'Bye Berg! See you later Jonas! Byeee Chrissss.' Ingrid shouted from the front door, giving Chris a look that Eva knew her paranoia hadn't conjured up.

Her shoulders slumped and she turned to see Jonas leaving with his crew.

He noticed something in her tone, because he put a hand on her shoulder and leaned down to be at eye-level with her.

'If you need to talk to me about something, I'm here.' He said looking sincere before hugging her amicably and leaving, his four new best friends following suit.

Sana, Chris (B), and Vilde were all passed out on the couch, snores filling up the silence now enrapturing the empty house. Chris was in the kitchen, cleaning up.

'Chris, I need to talk to you about something.' Eva said, apparently not in her usual voice because Chris' head whipped up instantly, a look of worry on his face. But Eva had three pieces of evidence stating her right in the face. Right below Chris' jawline, a red mark could be seen.

Noticing that she was staring, Chris let out a chuckle.

'I banged my jaw against that cupboard as I was racing -names of two Penetrators- on the hoverboards. Ask Sana-'  a loud snore could be heard,'- once she's up, she laughed her ass off at it. Think she got it on snapchat too.' He sat on the counter.

'What did you want to talk about?' Another loud snore protruded into the kitchen.

'Upstairs.' Eva finished walking up to a spare room, composing herself and trying to keep her thoughts in check.

As she reached the first floor, her mind was made up.
Okay guys so I'm thinking about doing another fanfic, something along the lines of:
Sana, pushing Noora and Eva to flirt with '97 guys, added Chrsitoffer Schistad on Eva's snapchat and William Magnusson on Noora's. Telling Sana she'd never get involved with someone like that, she quickly changes Chris' name on snapchat to 'Jerk'.
When Eva accidentally sends Chris a snap instead of Jonas, what sill his reaction be? Will they become more then buddies?
Yeah idk ^ I'm bad at summaries but that's basically what I'm thinking about to start off another chriseva/mohnstad fanfic; thoughts ? xx

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