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Two long, excruciatingly long, days had passed since their exam. The moment of truth had creeped up on them.

Chris picked up Eva from her house the first time that morning, cruising along the street, listening to rap music, a mutual interest the two originally didn't think they'd share.

As they pulled up into the parking lot, the pair got a lot of stares, both resentful and curious.

'Will they ever stop?' Eva asked as she sighed and got out of the car, referring to the flock of girls around the Penetrators group that shot her daggers every chance they got.

'Just ignore them babe, they can't compete and they know it.' He said shutting his car door and locking it.

They walked down the halls until they reached the panels where all the marks were printed out and taped up.

As Eva scanned the long list, her eyes grazed over and almost missed (almost being the key word here) Chris' name.

Christoffer Schistad: 89%

'Heyyyy, look; congrats Chris.' Eva said pointing out his score.

His infamous grin broke out across his face and he gave her a kiss on the cheek.

'Had you not helped me study, I could have never pulled it off.' He looked back at the list, squinting.

'I can't seem to find you, though.'

'She's here.' Sana appeared behind us, her manicured nails indicating the slot where Eva's name was.

Eva Kviig Mohn: 91%

'So these are basically our averages so far?' Eva asked.

'From the exams, yes.'

'That's my girl.' Chris' smile broadened, if that was even possible.

'Eva, I need to have a word with you.' Sana said, drawing away from the crowd.

Eva gave Chris a quick peck before following her classmate.

'Hey, what's up?' Vilde appeared.

'Alright so Chris' birthday is tomorrow, and we need to make her a surprise party asap.' Vilde said as soon as Eva was in earshot.

Eva realized that they didn't mean her Chris, but rather Chris Berg, because her friends always referred to him as Schistad.

Her Chris? Uh oh

'Why did you guys wait until the last minute?'

'We just found out.' Sana defended.

Eva sighed and nodded.

'Alright, so Vilde, you start inviting people, we'll do it at my house tomorrow night. Sana, find some food and alcohol. After school we all have to go to the mall and buy her a gift; I'll work on a cake for her tonight.'

'What's on tonight?'

The trio turned their heads sharply to see Chris (B) walking towards them.

'The latest episode of Teen Wolf.' Vilde quickly covered, quenching Chris' (B) curiosity quickly; she hated that series.

'Anyway,' Sana picked off, 'how serious have you and Chris gotten?'

'What do you mean'

'Like, do you think it'll last?' Vilde asked, arching an eyebrow.

'I think it will- wait what's the hesitation? Chris and I went traveling together, we've been on dates-'

'That trip was supposed to be a girls one and the boys butted in; and you haven't been on any public dates. Movie nights in and study sessions isn't everything, Eva. Boyfriends typically love showing the world how lucky they are to have landed their girlfriends, and besides some PTA and hand-holding in public that he's done more often with girls he's hooked up with then you so far , you guys don't seem to be having a serious relationship; it's been two months since you started dating and there aren't any pictures of you two on his instagram, nothing on his social media to hint to girls he's taken.' Sana said holding her arms across her chest.

Eva was speechless.

She went to class, Spanish to be exact, desperately hoping she could talk to the Noora and ask her for her opinion on this; her best friend however had decided to keep usage of her phone to a minimum while she was in London with William.

15 minutes into the class, she got a text from Vilde.

'Don't listen to what Sana said, she just exaggerated that so Chris wouldn't be suspicious at all about the whole Teen Wolf thing.'
'Did she say that to you?'
'No, just my opinion; I'm sure it's that though. Cheer up xx'
Closing her phone, Eva quickly scribbled notes down on her notebook and continued like that for the rest of the day, her mind elsewhere then where it should have been.

After school the girls rendezvoused outside the mall, making sure Chris (B) didn't think something was going on. They went grocery shopping for Chris' (B) cake.

Sana got her expensive headphones, Vilde a new skateboard, and Eva refused to let the other two see what she had bought, claiming it's a surprise and that they'd find out later.

They got a cab afterward and went home, Eva being the last to arrive home and thus paying for the long fare.

Once she got home, she found Chris splayed on her couch, watching a tv show.

Wincing at the memory, she started making Chris' (B) cake.

'So, what do you say we go out this weekend?'

'Did you have a place in mind?'

'The mall? A restaurant? Anywhere really?'

Chris laughed.

'Why do you want to go out? To me it seems like a waste of money; we can have just as much fun here then there.'

'Then why did you go out in town with Iben?' Eva muttered as the mixer was on, the last word being understandable as she accidentally closed the machine.

'What was that?'



Chris got up from the couch, his demeanor serious.

'Tell me babe.'

Eva sighed and turned around to face him.

'It just....' she looked at his face and simply couldn't.

'I have to make this cake for Chris Berg's surprise party and I have a lot of homework to do, I've got to clean the house- I'm just stressed, I'm sorry.' It was the first lie she'd told Chris.

'Hey hey hey; I'll call the cleaning lady over and if need be I'll do the homework if you don't have time. Don't stress about these sort of things.' He said tucking a strand of hair behind his ear.

He never does that in public.

Eva shook the thought out of her head and she gave him a thankful smile before returning to the cake.

Everything will work itself out at the party, Eva thought.

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