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Chris then kissed her the third time in that one hour interval.

A week passed by, relatively normal.
Eva noticed that as their relationships progressed, so did their communication tactics. More meaningful glances and coded words in body language had passed between the two then Eva and Ingrid, or Noora for that matter, ever had.

The day Chris and Eva were driving to the airport to pick up Noora and William, Eva was drawing circles around Chris' hand laid in between the two car seats, his other one on the steering wheel.

'We were developing a language that was entirely untranslatable into words, a special vocabulary of gestures and glances and touches and increasingly deep kisses that was growing richer, more intense, more complex by the hour. It was fascinating and essential and in moments like this, made me just a little less cold and a little less scared than I might've been otherwise.'

A hint of a blush grazed Chris' features.
'It's a quote from a book I read.'
Eva smiled. It was a well-known secret that Chris had a large mini-library in his room; seeing his eyes light up when he saw Eva's own for the first time made her heart leap.

'Which one?'
'The third installment from Miss Peregrine's Peculiar Children series.'
'Oh, I think I read it; the Library of Souls?'
'That's the one.'
'I knew it sounded familiar.'

As they pulled up into the parking lot,
Eva noticed Chris was looking more and more nervous by the minute. When he killed the engine, Eva pulled him as close to her as she could.

'Hey, what's the matter?'
No response.
'Please don't tell me this is about William.'
No response again.
'Chris, everything's fine. William is still your best friend, he just hasn't contacted you because he's going through a rough time, and Noora is helping him go through it; we both know this.'
'It's hard-'
'I know, I know. But they probably don't even realized they've done it.
Chris, we have our best friends back; let's enjoy it for as long as we can.'

He looked up at her.

'You know, you've become a best friend to me.'
'I do, and you know the same goes or you.'
'Yeah, a best friend I get to kiss and call mine.' He smirked.

By the time they entered the arrivals section of the airport, 20 minutes after Chris had parked, Eva was looking flustered, a scarf wrapped around her neck in an effort to conceal a hickey peeking out. Chris had his arm around her waist, her right hand in his right hand pocket.

They were so excited to see their best friends, their eyes were glued to the door leading away from the baggage pick-up area.

'Oh, babe; I, uh, hope it okay that I...'
'What babe?'
'The guys saw what I posted and everything and started asking about you.'
'I kinda said you were my girl.'
Eva's stomach did a backflip.
'Why are you nervous about telling me that?'
See, Chris was only nervous around Eva or his family.

He had an unbreakable bond with William, and had grown used to being able to tell him anything at all. With Eva, she believed that he was also going to eventually reach that point with her, just not yet.

To the entire world, however, Chris was not a fuckboy anymore, or a flirt, a heartbreaker, etc....; now, he had developed this thick-skin, low-key handsome guy that you could always count on to bring some life into any boring party. He still drank, still showed up late for classes; now, there were no more females running around, crying over being a one-night stand of his.

'I just...' realizing there was literally no problem to it, he replies decisively,' nothing babe, just telling you the Penetrators were wondering how you managed to 'tame' me.'

Eva chuckled.
'A first aid kit seemed to do the trick.'
Chris turned and smirked at Eva, but her eyes were transfixed on something else. Rather, nobody else.

Turning back, Chris caught Noora and William coming into view, dragging their luggage behind them.

Eva ran up to Noora and hugged the life out of her, while Chris and William did their inexplicably complex and handshake.

William drove them all to his house, where they proceeded to spend the night and just simply hang out, being themselves and just talking about whatever came to mind.

Chris could tell Eva loved this atmosphere, this small peace in between their hectic school lives. Chris' heart broke, knowing that this small sliver of heaven wouldn't last. The couple would go back to London, and while Chris fully understands why and still cares for them, he wished for Eva's sake that they could have stayed longer. Noora was Eva's anchor during her most anxious and self-conscious time; her being around Eva could help her exponentially. Chris was determined to try to be there for her whenever possible, and he knew that Eva was trying to do the same.

Suddenly, for the first time ever, Chris felt angry towards Willam, and even Noora, for practically abandoning them in Oslo.

No phone calls, no text messages, nothing.

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