The New Beginning

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It was the big day; Chris was finally graduating Hartvig Nissen High. Technically, it wasn't a big day; not to him, at least.

He was relieved and at the same time nostalgic, but he didn't think of it as an extraordinary day. It was a day like any other. He woke up to Eva in his bed, rubbing her eyes and yawning as his sister Iba pounded in excitedly to let them know it was time to get up.

Showering, they both headed to school together, Eva wearing a white top with high waist jeans and white Adidas, while Chris had on a black-neck shirt, black show and ripped jeans.

As Chris parked, he saw students setting up a platform, handing out fliers for end-of-the-year parties, and other regular high school crap.

'Have you applied to any universities?'
Eva asked.

'Yeah, three or four, all in Oslo.'
'Any word back?'
'Should be getting them any day now.'
'Will you stay at a dorm?'
'God no.'
'Chris we need to go backstage, it's gonna start in 30 minutes.' William said jogging up, Noora by his side.
He gave Eva a peck and disappeared.
'Are you worried?'
'About Chris finding someone in university? God yes. Aren't you worried about the same thing regarding William?'
'Oh obviously.'
'What do we do?'
'What can we do? To combat insecurity? Get confident, I guess. But we have to trust them.'
'I trust them.'
'So do I.'
'But.' Noora said decisively, understanding.
'Not around alcohol.'
Eva said in a low voice as they sat down a few rows away from the stage. Fangirls of the Riot Club had already taken up the front seats.
'Every mistake they've ever made has been under the influence of alcohol. When they're sober, they're heads are on right and they are themselves.' Noora said resting her head on her best friend's shoulder.
'When they're drunk they do things they don't normally do, things that can hurt them.'
'Remember the fights, the endless nights where we had to pick them off the floor and stow them away before Chris' sister or the neighbors started to hear their drunk ramblings?'
Eva winced at the memory.
Noora looked at her intensely.
'They don't mean what they say whenever they're in that condition.' She said, directing it towards her best friend, however it was obvious she was saying it 50% so that she could convince herself as well.

Eva distinctly remembered a time Chris came tumbling into her house, drunk and stoned as can be. She had been surprised how he had managed to get all the way to her house, let alone find we spare keys and open the door, given the state he was in.

He did not look cutely disheveled or charmingly tipsy. His movements were slow and unstable, gripping whatever support he could not to fall down until he reached her.

Eva set him down on the couch, grabbing pills and food so that he could fight off his drunken mood. Gingerly feeding him, Eva silently did a quick look over of him, making sure he didn't have any scars or anything to suggest a fight. Brushing up against his knuckles, she concluded that he didn't fight with anyone. Tonight, at least.

He was spewing out inconsistencies, nonetheless. The words 'Iben', 'Jonas' and her own came up exceedingly often, yet she tried her best not to listen to him.

By the time he had fallen asleep that night, Eva's cheeks were stained with tears.

Snapping back to the present, Eva looked over at Noora. She knew that William was by far a heavier drinker then Chris. She couldn't imagine what her friend had been put through.

'But we love them, so we'll find a way.'
Noora eyes softened.
'Yeah, we will.'

A sharp giggle from the front caught their attention.

The teens that were in Chris and Williams' graduation had started piling out onto the stage.

The two best friends caught a glimpse of their boyfriends.

'I think we'll be alright.' Noora's voice, in the distance, lightened.

Chris and William appeared in front.

'They have always been fighters, and they fight for what they love.'
Eva remarked, smiling slightly at a memory.

Chris and Eva had went to a fast food joint. Short on cash, they ended up sharing a cheeseburger and some fries.

Jokingly battling against one another, Eva commented how much of a fighter he is.

He slung an arm over her shoulder and pulled her closer, laughing.

'I fight for what I love.' He replied, kissing her hair.

'It'll be alright; it's gotta.' Noora finished.

Eva nodded, watching Chris retrieve his diploma.

At the end of the day. We can't be certain about anything. All we can do is hope the relationship lasts, Eva thought. If the feelings fade, then they fade.

I hope to God not, Eva internally added.

Chris and William looked over to the two of them and winked.

Okay guys I'm going to end the fanfic here; for a more drama-filled fanfic, check out my other Chriseva fanfic xx


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