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Changed the description and pic for this fanfic; sorry for the wait guys ! Any feedback is welcomed xx
Eva and Chris were at the breakfast room, throwing wrappers and sugar packets at each other's hairs in the hotel until they ended up on the floor laughing.

Last night had been quite the night for the two.

Not because it had been New Years Eve, the last day of 2016. Not because Noora and William suspiciously had to leave Vienna at exactly the same time together in exactly the same plane because of 'family issues' one night prior. Nono, none of that.

Though Chris and Eva had quietly hashed it out with their respective best friends for abandoning them on a planned double vacation, their complaints were quickly silenced.

'This is your chance to spend more time with your girlfriend. Dancing and bus meetings and school has got you preoccupied, and Eva's way too happy for you to voice out her actual feelings. No girlfriend wants to be ignored, and the only difference here is you have one that's willing to be ignored at this period just so you can succeed. Don't forget that. Focus on what you keep telling me is important to you; your relationship with her.' William proclaimed from the small kitchen suite, leaving Chris speechless and unable to disagree. Schistad huffed, annoyed, and thanked him.

'I get that you're willing to let some quality time with Chris slip away in exchange for him to do well in dancing and stuff, but you have got to make sure you're relation with him is solid. You might not feel ignored now Eva, because you have school and bus meetings and volunteer work and all this, but at some point you're going to feel neglected and hurt. Make sure Chris and yourself find time for each other. This is your chance. So no whining to me, missy.'
Noora finished confidently, eating a strudel from the bath tub while Eva was splayed on the bathroom floor, playing games on her phone.
'Maybe you're right.' She admitted grudgingly.
'I'm obviously right hun. Now, go and have fun.'

Chris and Eva left their hotel to get dinner. Small talk between them, comfortable silence while they ate, Chris vehemently refusing Eva's money when she tried to pay; the usual. As they went down the street towards the nearest market that was still decorated for Christmas, an event that ended 6 days ago.

As they walked down, Chris entwined their hands and fingers together, the other hand pointing to landmarks and translating the signs for her.

'You know,' Chris started off hesitantly, which was in itself uncharacteristic of him,' I want to apologize for these past weeks.'
Eva opened her mouth to object.
'No really, I realize that I've been really busy and I want to say that I'm sorry for not trying harder to clear any time for the both of us.' He finished sheepishly.

'Chris, it's okay. I understand, I really do.'

'I know you do. That's what makes this even harder.' He sighed and stopped on the sidewalk, gazing out at the Viennese nightlife bustling around them.

'You aren't making demands, you don't act upset when I cancel or postpone on you like any other girl I've dated. You don't start screaming at me when I tell you I'm too busy to hang out, and you don't make it a point for the entire world to know that I'm your boyfriend. This is completely new to me, and I like this way more then the other types of relationship I've had and girls which I had them with. That's why this is so hard, Eva. I feel guilty, because I'm stressed and am trying to get my shit together and don't make time for you, and every time you get that small sad look on your face my heart stops.' He let out, steadily but quietly. He looked her straight in the eye.

'I don't want to lose you.'

'Chris,' she hugged him and kissed his cheek,' you won't. I mean it when I say I get what you're going through. I do. Both of us are busy, and I'll help you in any way I can. You're not going to lose me. This hustle-hustle-hustle mood of yours isn't permanent. Soon all you're bus obligations will be gone, you'll catch up in school and keep your grades afloat, and it'll be alright. Trust me.'

He looked at her and smiled.
'Come on, lets go down to the market.'

They arrived about fifteen minutes prior to midnight. Strangely, there were a considerable number of people there at that hour. The ice skating ring, which didn't seem like a traditional one at all, seeing as it had trees with protective railing around them popping up from the ice, and curved paths between trees you could take, was still open, so the couple paid the entrance fee and skates rental one.

The show started. While Chris might have been a seasoned dancer, he certain wasn't an expert ice-skater. He clung to Eva, a girl who had spent most of her winters ice-skating and skiing, and almost slipped twice before they made it to the railing.

Eva laughed at his clumsiness and slowly guided him along, her back turned as she skated forward, eyes rested on Chris and his posture.

'Lift your feet higher so that you actually skate and not walk; that's better. Dont be afraid of the ice Chris, cmon.' She giggled.

He looked at her again with a loving look before hitting the very ice. Eva laughed again and again every time Chris messed up, but only briefly before helping him. By the fifth go around, he got the hang of it and was whirling through the skaters gracefully as Eva had seen him dance  just so onstage.

'Chris wait upppppp.' Eva said as they skated to the railing for Eva to catch her breath.

As they stood there for a moment suddenly a countdown had commenced. A huge projection was being shown at the side of the City Hall.

'Zehn!' The crowd chanted.

'Neun!' The lights of around them blinked a variety of shades of a variety of colors.

'Acht!' Everyone was piling out of the ring to get to their group of friends as quickly as possible or to get as close to the City Hall as they could.

'Sieben!' Evans's hands found Chris'.

'Sechs!' There was no one left on the ring but them.

'Fünf!' Chris pushed a strand of Eva's hair behind her ear.'

'Vier!' 'Any resolutions?' Chris asked his girlfriend as they looked onto the market.

'Drei!' 'Obviously, do you?'

'Zwei!' 'Of course.'

'Eins!' 'What are they?'

As the sound of cheers and praises being sung, beers clinking in the background and hugs distributed to family members, Eva was deaf. The world went silent all around her.

As she started cheering, Chris lifted her chin slightly upwards and kissed her.

Now, understand this; Eva had been kissed before. God, she had instigated many kissing sessions while she was in a relationship with Jonas.


In her life, Eva had never experienced a more genuine kiss. Chris didn't feel vulnerable, pouring his heart out to Eva; it refreshed him, knowing that there was someone who loved him for himself, without any alcohol in his system. William doesn't count, certainly. He meant someone who wasn't family, hadn't known him since kindergarten.

As they kissed Eva wrapped her arms around Chris' neck, her boyfriend's both hands on the railing she was leaned against for support. Asking for entrance, his tongue entered her mouth and danced around with her own, completely tuning out the world around them.

Once they untangled themselves, Eva was too flushed to speak.

'My resolution is to prove to you how much I love you, Eva Kviig Mohn.' Chris said, skating backwards confidently, hands in the pocket of his jacket and smiling. As he uttered the word 'Mohn.', he fell back, flat on his ass.

So yes, their first night together in 2017 was quite a night.

As the two laughed their butts off in the restaurant of the hotel, on the other side of town, Noora and William were lounging lazily in their bed they had booked hours earlier.

'Do you think it was a good idea to leave them on their own?' William asked, watching Noora switch channels.

'Of course! Trust me, it's just what they needed.' Noora said mischievously.

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