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whoever wants Chriseva smut, read along xx
The chriseva photo edit is mine xx
Chris tried to be that one best friend you could count on, he reallly did, but every time he looked at William, he remembered the nights he'd spent at Eva's, when she was having an anxiety attack or was thoroughly upset with something; he tried to help her as best he could, but he was acutely conscious of the fact that he couldn't replace Noora.

Eva woke up from nightmares, calling out in the dark for her best friend.

Recently, Eva had gotten better; Chris had researched about it and got fully informed for her sake.

Eva didn't seem to hold any bad feelings over her abandonment; Chris couldn't reciprocate the feelings.

Not only was he upset on account of Eva, he was upset about his own predicament.

Ever since they were 5 years old, William and Chris had been inseparable. Wherever one went, the other followed. It just felt right.

When William left, Chris now realized he was extremely lucky to have had Eva by his side. He covered his original reason, chalking his moods up to stress and exhaustion, and even when Eva could blatantly see he wasn't being honest, she didn't accuse him of anything, just stayed with him and held him together.

Now, as graduation was looming, he started getting angrier.

While he loved William as a brother, he couldn't socialize with him after being left in the dust a solid two months prior.

Eva tried to make him see reason.

'Chris, they were going through a rough time, the both of them. You can't blame them for finding the best solution that worked for them and going for it.'
'Eva- you're right, I can't. I can however blame them for not reaching out to us, the people who offered them support and vice versa for so long.'
'You being mad at them will not solve this; it's in the past now, nothing can be done about it.'
'I'm sending a message; they can't go on thinking that this sort of behavior is fair towards us or anyone else for that matter. Tell me, has Noora even apologized for not keeping in touch?'
Eva hesitated.
'See, that's what I mean. They're halfway through their little trip and haven't once stopped to think that maybe what they did was wrong?'
Eva sighed and sat down on the bed next to Chris, snaking a hand into his luscious copper hair.
She tsked.
'Alright, well if you're gonna boycott you're gonna need backup.'
'What? No, babe I want you to enjoy this time wit Noora as much as you can.'
'She hasn't really been very willing to meet up with me. I've seen her Snapchats and she's been going out with lots of people, catching up and everything; so I don't mind staging a riot with you if you want, to show your infinite disappointment .'
Chris' heart ached.
He knew for a fact that Eva wasn't innocent; she knew precisely what her best friend was doing, but didn't press her further.

God, he was lucky to have someone like her.

Chris pulled her on top of him, legs on either side of his waist. Leaving kisses all over her neck and collarbones, he wrapped two fingers around the loops in her jeans designed for her belts and tugged lightly.

Eva moaned, hands sliding under Chris' shirt, tracing patterns on his chest and stomach before finding their way back up to his hair, stopping for a while at his face, cupping his cheeks as she kissed him passionately. Their kisses were always something that could be considered by many showstoppers. They were too caught up in the act to ever be able to notice anything around them. When Eva was kissing Chris in this instant, for example, it made him move his hand onto her butt, shocking her at the sudden movement and inadvertently making her lean into the kiss, deepening it. Chris certainly wasn't complaining about that aspect of it.

Flipping their positions,
Eva moans softly as Chris leaves love bites in the crook of her neck.

Taking off her shirt, Eva gives Chris more skin to tease as she wraps her legs around his waist, earning her as well a groan from Chris. Tugging at her bra strap, Eva got the message and took her bra off as well, as her boyfriend took off his shirt. He started his descent downwards, stopping in seemingly random times to play with her, pulling and grazing and biting and sucking on her skin until her hands were curled in small tight balls in his hair and letting out a loud moan; upon hearing his results, he smirked and continued on. By the time he reached her jeans button he was staring back at Eva, making sure this is what she really wanted, his lower lip resting on the cold metal.

'Do you want to continue?' He asked her, neutral. He didn't want to seem forceful, because at the end of the day he would never push her to do something she didn't want, and, after all, he didnt want to look disinterested because, in all honesty, he was interested. Very interested indeed. But he could set his personal hormonal urges aside for her. For Eva. He could do anything for Eva, at this point. Anything.

She appeared to be debating something, so Chris came back to her level.

'Talk to me babe.'
'This is going to be a turn off.'
'Nothing you say or do can turn me off.'
'You might find it insulting.'
'Never; unless you want me to try to hook up Julian with Sana again. A fiasco like that should never be repeated-'
'I'm serious.'
'You haven't even told me what you're serious about.'
'Don't get mad.'
'I wontttt, just tell me.'
'Before we do,' she chose her words prudently,'carry on, as you say, I want you to get tested for STD's.'
Chris' eyes lighted up bemused at her.'
'I get myself tested every six months.'
They had been together for around 5 months, closing in on 6.
'I will.' He said after he saw Eva's look once she'd done the math.'
'I'll get it done tomorrow.' He promised.
'Until then, I can think of some other things we can do in the meantime...' He smirked
Sorry for the late chapter I've been procrastinating super duper much.

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