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'Yeah, I was pretty fucking desperate before I met you.'

Chris jumped up on the counter opposite of her.

'I had just given up my best friends and everything I could have possibly let go of to be with a guy that I now realize I had been in a toxic relationship with. His opinions and ideas mattered more then my own, my actions and thoughts weren't my own.

Whatever I did, I always wondered what his reaction would be. I was jealous, and became possessive because I was worried that he was cheating on me.

I came to the conclusion that we had started the relationship out in the wrong way, and so we had to end it, and remain friends. Obviously my feelings for him faded slower then his did, but eventually they did. Until then, however, I had been forcing the friendship onto him. I figured out if things don't come naturally, it was t meant to be.

My parents, constantly gone, didn't really have a toll on me, because I had gotten used to it. But, for a time, I was numbing out my pain by drinking, partying, and making out with whoever would have me. It was fun, but the adrenaline faded away as well. I was lucky enough to have good friends there to lift me back up. As a sort of getting back up and on my feet, I decided to agree to William's request to house-watch the place.'

Eva smiled at Chris, as though reminiscing.'

'Obviously, I didn't believe it would work; you were too much of a player for me. And while I did become jealous, once more, when I saw you with Ingrid, I didn't feel it as prominently as I did when I was with Jonas, for the pure reason that I didn't believe you would do that to me. And I was right.'

'I would never.'

'Neither would I. I noticed girls coming up to you, even after we were a couple; I did compare them to me, and see faults in myself that they didn't appear to have. I shut those feelings down, once again. I even got worried that I'd be replaced by a cooler, prettier college girl.'

Chris looked alarmed.


'For the final time, I shut those feelings off. I came to terms with the fact that o don't want us to break up, but if we do, I'll be happy knowing that this was one of the best relationships I've ever been in.

The thought of losing you scares me. Knowing that you'll have to serve one year in the army, scares me. The actual idea of us being in a relationship in the beginning, scared me.

Nevertheless, I found out that what I was missing was you, Chris. Someone who makes me laugh, and feel like I'm the only girl you notice in a room, and can make me smile whenever I see your smirk or grin. I needed a boyfriend that would love and support me. I or more then I thought and I would.' Eva smiled.

'Even if you didn't do all these things, the fact that your mannerism, the way you pick your nails when you're nervous or how you mess with your hair when your happy, is rubbing off on me and I do the exact same thing, shows me your personality isn't a bad one. It's amazing.

Chris, even if we weren't in a relationship, I can, without a doubt, sit here and say I would still have become a completely changed person in comparison to last year, as I am now. Because I don't love you for the way you love me, or for the simple reason you're my boyfriend. I love you for being yourself, unapologetically yourself, all the time. I love you for you.'

Chris closed the gap between them in the split of a second.

He had one arm around each of her thigh, kissing her passionately. Eva gasped at the sudden close contact, giving Chris more access. She circled her arms around his neck and pulled him closer. He wrapped her legs around his waist and carried her to his bedroom, breaking away from the kisses every once in a while to catch his breath and to make sure he didn't bump Eva into some furniture.

As he laid her down onto his bed, he sat up for a moment to take off his shirt and continued leaving hickeys on Eva's skin, as she herself was moaning and pulling hard at his hair.

A loud knock came from the door, startling Eva. Chris groaned and got up, while asking who it was, yelling.

'You said we'd all do our graduation speeches together.' A guys voice shouted back.

Cursing, Chris arranged himself and looked amused at Eva.

'Im sorry babe.'
'It's ok, but..'
'Were you going to, continue on..?'
'Truthfully I wanted to, but now I think it's best we didn't, did you?'
'I wanted to.'
Chris looked at her seriously.
'When you're not going to be a minor, it will be my pleasure to make love to you.'
'You're still a minor.'
'I know; you get what I mean.'
'I do.' She kissed him before putting her hair up so it wouldn't look as frazzled.

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