Chapter 2

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Lucy's P.O.V

"Maya?" She nods "Maya! Maya! Maya! How did you get here and well of course why?" She steps in and we walk to my room and chat. "Well I was set free and I ran to you and now I'm going to your school!" She squeals, oh I almost forgot huggie time!! I squeezed her into a bone crushing hug.

"Wow I never thought I'd see you again." I said happiness decorating my every word.

"I have exiting news!" She paused

" I- "

Suddenly the door swings open to see eight crazy people burst through my now squeaky door.

"Oh my god we heard the news and rushed over we had to see you again!" Haley panted catching her breath.

Chase's eyes sparkled when Maya and him locked eyes. Oh no. Wait, Mason stepped closer to say hello to Maya but Chase growled as a warning.


Maya's eyes lit up at the sound of his voice.

She looked over at me and whispered,"m-mate."

"Go." I said, "say it."

Maya looked into his eyes and said, "mate." I hugged her and clapped, "well you two are gonna be a lovely couple." And with that they smashed their lips together.

"Ok, ok, ok. Now will you two just get a room." Ivy spoke up, "oh Ivy you are so pretty I know I haven't seen you before but I've heard of you so much!" Maya said, Ivy slightly blushed.

"The last time I was here you weren't!"


The next two hours we spent time talking eating and well Maya and Chase were... kissing.

"After this I'm going outside, we can do some training." Nick said looking at me, yes Nick and I do training for when I shift.

I only found out that almost everyone in this town is a werewolf and that my family was one I found out like maybe a month ago.

"Ok now that news I want to tell you guys." Maya says standing up. "But first we have to go outside to do it." She leads us outside and far into the woods. "Close your eyes, and I mean you Chase." Maya demands, I shut my eyes and hear the sound of bones popping and breaking.

We all open our eyes to see a beautiful dark brown wolf with a blonde nose.

She sits and we pat her, and well Chase shifts and sits next to her and they nuzzle each other.

"Ok well Lucy and I have to go do some training of you need me mind link and we'll be at the clearing near the middle of the forest." Nick announces to everyone.

Nick shifts and I hop on his back, I take on last look at everyone and Maya and Chase are still in wolf form.

I keep my eyes on them until their nothing but black specks sitting in a circle.

Nick comes to a stop and sits to make me slide off his back. "We're not there yet why did you stop?"

He started running again and I realized he must've gotten tired of me sitting on his back.

I catch up to him and he looks at me, then runs faster and faster. I stay in front of him just because.

We come to the clearing and Nick hides behind a tree and shifts and grabs the clothes I brought.

But wait, oh no, OH NO.

I smirk, "WHERE ARE MY BOXERS?!?!" Shouts Nick from behind a tree.

"Oops." I giggle, he steps out from behind the evergreen wearing ripped pants, a white long sleeve with an orange vest.

"Ok now lets get to training."

[][][][]Two Hours Later[][][][][][][][]

I grab a jar of Nutella (a.k.a. my baby) and ask Haley once again.

"Why is Maya staying with us again?"

Jake walks into the room and answers her question, "because she needs a place to stay before she and Chase might get an apartment."

I take a scoop of my Nutella and pop it in my mouth. So good, the chocolate melts in my mouth and I savor the feeling of this moment.

It's nine thirty at night and we just finished watching UP. I cried just like I do every time I watch it.

"See you guys in the morning." I yawn and walk upstairs get into bed and dream about Nutella clouds all arounds me.


I just finished watching Marley and Me and I loved it! Comment what state you live in and what your favorite movie is. First to comment gets a shout out next chapter!


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