Chapter 36

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Lucy's P.O.V

"It happened all right. Don't worry I am telling one hundred percent truth." I laugh.

"Then why are you laughing?" Eli asks, "because it's funny!" I answer.

"I mean she tried to kill her best friend!" I giggle.

"But how'd you guys get here?" I ask curiosity getting the best of me.

"We used teleportation." Mom answers, she notices the puzzled look on my face and says something more understandable.

"We heard you calling for us and we came down. " She says simply. Oh. Well that's much more understandable. (Note my sarcasm)

"Well problem solved. " I say clapping my hands. "Care to stay for dinner?" I ask pretending to be lady-like.

"That's very funny but sorry we can't. " Eli says sadness crossing his face. A wave of sadness whooshes over me but rolls right off my shoulders.

"Oh don't worry that's fine. I will see you later!" I wave goodbye, and with to whisps in the air. There gone.

I look over at Maya and say, "Oh now you don't want to mess with me. "I smirk.

Her eyes turn to that normal brown and we hug.

"Don't worry I'm joking. "I say quickly as she looks like fear got the best of her.

She smiles and, I can't keep track of the people I don't know!

So this guy, but I think his name was Jack, wait no or Chase.

Yeah it's Chase.

'Craziness isn't it. " Nick laughs in our mind link.

Nick always seemed to like me. But he is really not my type. He just wants to find his mate and have sex with her.

'Haha yeah it is. ' I say back and block him out.

"You know......" I say, "I know this really fun activity for all of us." I smirk my she-devil.

"What?" they say in sync.

"PAINTBALL!!!!" I shout.


Wazzup guys?

I just had a busy day yesterday and tonight. I'm sorry it's short but this is the only time of day I could update today. :(

Well the next chappie will be fun!

I really am liking writing the next chapter........ (Smirking evilly)



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