Chapter 15

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Lucy's P.O.V

I'm in shock, but how did he know that Mason is in this pack? Oh mental face palm. Mason is his brother! He must visit him a lot.

Oh that's why Mason is out so much. But Alex can't join the pack, too much people. Nick can't handle all that.

"Can we go pack to our pack house?" I point at Maddie then me. "We are kinda lost." He nods his head and calls someone down,"You need me Alex?"

"Yes Jake please take care of the pack for a few days I've gotta go do something." Alex says, Jake bows his head and leaves.

"Ok you guys can get out of the closet now." Alex calls, Maddie walks up first still looking down. Then I walk out to see Alex pushing her more blonde but red hair out of he face.

Cute but that's my mate Maddie. "Ok we are gonna have to leave out the window, um can you guys make it?" Alex asks,

"Yes I can." Maddie finally speaks up.

"Yes." I reply.

I take the first jump and when I'm down I shift. Then Maddie jumps down and does the same. Alex last and shuts the window.

Alex leads us and I'm by his side. The trees get thicker and more snow starts to fall. I kick up the the snow behind me and making it look like dust.

We begin to see a stream, we drink and keep traveling.

'Guys!' I scream happily, 'We're coming home!'


"Omg!' My mind is filled with happy voices of my friends.

We keep traveling into dark but we have to stop at one point. 'Alex we have to stop the snow is falling to hard.'

We come to a halt and we get under trees. It's a blizzard! Oh boy it's gonna be hard traveling tomorrow.


'Faster Faster! Missy we can!' I shout to her.

We run ahead and there it is I shift behind a tree and put on clothes I brought.

"We're home."


We're home. I think, after all this we're home. I sigh as the tears of happiness roll down my cheeks.

Ivy, who is the first one out is crying as well. "I never thought you were coming back!" She sobbed.

We cried into each other for, I don't know but I long while. The last one I come to hug is Nick.

"Nick-I-I'm-" He shushes me. "It's okay, I know what it feels like." Nick's parents died when he was nine. They left and he never saw them again.

He saw in the news about a car crash and it was his parents car. He came to my backyard and sobbed for days not eating or drinking.

My mother and father took him in an we raised him. He is like my half brother. I hugged him and cried the most I have ever cried before.

But then there was Maddie. "Guys," after I had finished bawling my eyes out," I'd like you to meet Maddie. She is Ivy's age and has shifted early. She will be staying with us."

Ivy and Maddie were the same height and went off to play like they had known each other all their lives. "Now this is Alex. As you guys might know Mason's brother." I said pointing at Mason.

"He is my mate and will always be. I will be living with him and you guys off and on. Soon I will be living with him and we will start our heat."

They nod and Mason and Alex do a bro-hug. After that it starts snowing, again. It's two weeks 'til Christmas and we have a lot of snow.

But when we walk in I see a girl. Jack walks over and hugs her. I pull him away and say, "care to explain?"

He sighs and takes me to a chair and I sit on his lap. "That is Fiona. She and I bumped into each other during battle. She is moving in with us."

I nod and I get off him as Fiona comes closer. I don't like it this pack is getting too big. Well I'm not going to be in it anymore.


I go to bed thinking about how life could have been if I was out there longer. Thankfully I have Alex sleeping on a leather couch in the other side of the room.

Ahhh good to be home.


Hamsters will one day rule the world! Also we are changing our username.


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