Chapter 39

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Daisy's P.O.V

"Nick." I grumbled, only two more hits on me and I'll be out.

Wait a minute. I don't have to get him the next round. This round hasn't even ended!

I smirk and pretend to be plotting.

I know exactly where he is now.

'Lucy! Are you there' I ask her in the link.

'Yup!' She replies sounding happy.

'Why do you sound so happy?' I ask her

'You'll see in three, two one. '

"Yellow! Two more shots and you're out!" The speaker guy says.

I laugh and ask her a question.

'Can I team up with you to get Nick?'

I wait for a minute until she answers.

"I'm already with you. " She says.

I jump and laugh.

"How'd you get here?" I ask and face palm.

"Never mind. " I say.

We get to the field that where I got hit. I see a black splotch on the ground and laugh.

"He's still up there. "I whisper.

"Follow I see a awesome spot to hide. " Lucy whispers

There's a huge tree trunk that looks like it's the one that Nick is in.

There's a fake spot and Lucy opens it. There's steps that lead to the tree house.

We climb them and bang on the door. "Surprise surprise "I giggle.

We hear footsteps coming closer and we see him open the door.....

Nicks P.O.V

I hear a banging at a part in the floor of the treehouse.

I ignore it not caring.


Ugh! I walk over and open the door to see two girls.

"FIRE!" One shouts.

I get several paintballs all over my body. I sigh and chuckle those girls.

"Black! Your out! Return to the base and wait for the next round."


Hiya guys. I kinda just felt like updating.




It might not seem great but I LOVE that you guys like this!!!!!


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