Chapter 6

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Sam's P.O.V

I was scared about Lucy knowing this. God knows what her reaction will be.

It might be crazy or emotional or who knows what. She's doing good surprisingly, "It might sound funny but the reason you haven't seen my wolf is because it has a gem on its left front paw." James says looking directly at Lucy.

"And your mother," he says, "had a gem on her right front foot."

(Ok there is a change in the characters James you know the alpha, now has a different color hair and wolf.)

He goes on: "My wolf has red hair with an orange gem. And your mothers wolf was silver with a white gem. Your wolf will be the color of your hair. Like mine, red."

(Ok really there might be changes to other people too so after this chapter please go to the chapters to see the changes.)

"But why didn't you tell me?" She asks, sadness decorating her words.

I jumped into the conversation, "we didn't want to tell you because we didn't know what your reaction would be."

She shakes her head, "Can I have some time alone with my dad and Nick?"

I nodded and left. Thankfully for my werewolf hearing I can hear everything.

"I'm going to make it so you guys can't hear our conversation easdroppers!" Shouts James, from inside the room.

Well there goes the easdropping idea.

Lucy's P.O.V

" I still don't get why when I found out you didn't tell me." I ask still totally confused.

"Because you weren't ready for it." Nick tries to explain, I nod my head and take this in.

My dad rubs my back in circles and shifts right on my bed. It startled me a whole lot but I settled down and took a look at the red wolf standing right in front of me.

It picks up its paw and puts it on my foot. I get a good look at the gem on its paw. The gem glows a bit brighter when I touch it.

I feel sparks go up my arms and right between my eyes it feels hot. Nick comes over to touch the spot but my dad growls.

There's something up with my dads wolf that gets me. It's his eyes. I can't stop staring at his eyes. Those golden orbs.

I have the opposite eyes as my dad. I have grey/silver eyes.

Those eyes just get me.


I don't like this chapter, Next update has to be tomorrow.

I have to do homework, maybe only one update tomorrow because I'm going over a friends house.

We're working on a extra credit report.

Update tomorrow!


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