Chapter 4

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Lucy's P.O.V

I just finished putting the banners up and I just made myself a glass of lemonade.

Ahhh the sweet sugary taste of lemon as it sizzles in your mouth. When mom came in for breakfast, you should of seen her face when she saw Sam was back.

Her mouth was agape and her eyes looked like saucers. A very funny sight to see. Sam and her wouldn't look away because Sam thought it was funny but my mom was sur- to the-prised.

All of us are fully dressed well all of us except Nick.

He's just going walking around in shorts and he's shirtless. He has a pretty fit body with a six pack but when your not in love with him it gets quite annoying.

In school all the girls fall at his feet begging for them to get married.

I don't mind it a whole lot but its his problem for being so sexy. But however when I walk by I see some boys lick their lips and give me the eye.

I understand that well because I think I'm nice and pretty, but I just ignore all the stares and looks and, well you get it.

It's about ten o'clock and we are all sitting around wait for James to be back. I hate calling my dad alpha because it sounds funny to me.

Plus no one wants to call their dad alpha. It's just plain weird. W-E-I-R-D

Yup. I hear a knock at the door so we all get in our places.


We all shout, "ahh it's nice to see you all and that you Sam got home safely." James says as we shoot him big smiles.

Suddenly I start to feel light headed, what? No not this again. I loose balance and fall to the floor.

I feel a sharp shooting pain in my heart. It happens all to fast I black out.

I wake up in a super bright flowery field. Much to bright and pink for me to like. I try to look up but sunspots invade my vision. Stupid sunspots. I see a lady in a white dress walk up to me I can't see her face. WHAT?! She can't be here no! it's the-


OMG!! It's snowing right here right in front of my window!!!

Ahh snow! Short chappie huh?

I think I like it I just wanted to update before school.

Love you guys, IT'S SNOWING!


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