Chapter 12

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Brooke's P.O.V

I would never expect this. EVER.

A pool of Lucy's blood. I walk over and sniff it. Fresh,

'Only been here for tops fifteen minutes.' I tell everyone.

These people Mack and Max tagged along with us. I try to sniff around and look for tracks.

'I smell her tracks mixed with another unknown tracks.'

I hear some growls from Lucy's friends. Nick and Sam take off in the direction of the tracks.

I run after at full speed and let my wolf take over. My grey wolf howls in happiness. Dis is going to be good, we can take down whatever pack is coming at us.

Chris's P.O.V

Since when is a rouge who has just shifted in this part if the woods? Well this girl I guess.

My alpha Alex has been going crazy w'?saying that his mate is near. Now he says for everyone to leave him alone.

One word:


"What you can't hurt me. I-I am I alive?" She asks.

"Yes, but however you should take note of where you are." I reply.

Her head jerks up and she looks around. Her legs are tied by me and her face shows worry.

"Hey! What-why am I here?" She asks.

"Alpha wants to see you." I say and with that I run out the door and Alex runs in.

In wolf. I can almost feel the girls face expression. Horrified. Scared. Scarred.

Whatever. I walk down to MY mate.

"Hi Jesy!" I shout from down the hall.

(I know a lot of P.O.Vs in this chapter)

Lucy's P.O.V

My eyes shoot open and I jerk up at the sound of someone's voice.

I ask if I'm dead and I can barely hear a reply but I'm cut off at an amazing smell.

Strawberries and Mangos mmmm.

Then I'm met with the most beautiful wolf ever.


I was tackled by a pure black wolf with white tips of ears and paws. The opposite of my wolf.

We lock eyes and I'm staring into the most beautiful golden eyes I've ever seen. My wolf is yipping happily and scratching to get out.

Of course I let her. I shift and wiggle out of the ropes tied to my legs. We take a minute to look at each other and I explore these surroundings.

Ok I have to run I don't care if my mate is right here I have to go. I grab all the braveness and courage I can get and I run head first into the wooden door.

SMASH! CRACK! The door is broken right off of its hinges. I run. I hear the falling of paws.

Not one.

Not two.

Ok more than a lot.

'Keep going we can make it!' I shout to Missy.

We run faster until I'm tackled by a blonde wolf. I growl and snap at him.

He howls and a man comes over to me with a silver knife.

"Just what we've been looking for." The man smirks and brings the silver closer to my fur.

Ok not how I wanted my life to be like. A slow and painful death goodbye world. I howl in pain as the shock spreads across my body and to my heart.



A light comes closer, and brighter. What? I slowly feel the reality surge through my body and I open my glossy eyes. What? I was crying? Whatever.

I take in my surroundings, a room white walls blood red rug and black tiles. No clock, on my nightst-what? No nightstand no nothing just darkness seeping through the windows.

I hear footsteps coming closer to the door and I flinch. The door bursts open and a man with white hair and specks of brown in it. "Oh I see your awake. NOW GET UP AND MAKE US BREAKFAST WE ARE BURNING DAYLIGHT!"

"Wha-what time is it?" I ask sleepily.


I nod and he leaves. I get up and realize that I'm naked. I get up and look in the closet. I pull out the only clothes in there: Jeans and a collared light blue shirt.

I throw it on and at least try to find my way down and into the kitchen. After a lot of walking and cursing I find my way and start to make pancakes.

I'm good at cooking but not the best. Apparently these people seem big so I make a lot of food.

Bacon, eggs, pancakes, waffles and biscuits. I find some OJ in the fridge and set it up on the table.

After that I watch as people come in and eat their food looking satisfied. When everyone is done I walk to the exit expecting some thankyous and happy faces.

But when the first person comes over.....

SLAP! I feel a heat rise to my cheeks. And as they all pass by I'm either pushed, slapped, punched or givin' glares and bad looks.

I run back to the kitchen and burst into hot salty tears. "It's okay just get used to it." A small voice says from the cabinet.

"C-cabinets talk here?" I say.

I wipe away the tears and open the cabinet. A little girl probably about Ivy's age.


I found out that the girls name is: Maddie. I've learned a lot about this new life and I found out that it's not gonna be so nice.



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