Chapter 43

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Ivy's P.O.V

I gasp for breath as I feel like a knife was stabbed in my heart. I grab the first aid kit and clean up some of the blood. Suddenly I realize that I can't take care of this kid alone. I pick him up bridal style. Him surprisingly light.

I run over to the nearest hospital and ask for a room. I place him on the bed and the doctor comes in. "What happened to him?" The doctor says, I make up a lie. "He was in his room and when I walked in to check on him i find him on the floor with blood all around him." I sigh.

" Are you family?" He asks, "Oh yes I am a close friend." I say trying to keep calm. I mean I just met this dude and now I am pretending I'm his close friend! "What have I gotten myself into?" I mutter almost regretting this.

Keyword: Almost

I mean it's kinda fun. I feel this actraction to him. Like a pull, I wonder if this kid is a werewolf. I wonder if he's not. The doctor snaps me back into reality, "Do you mind staying here while we take him to get an x-ray?" The doctor asks. I nod my head. "Thats fine."

Lucy's P.O.V

I think it's cute that Ivy is finally going out on her own. She said she'll be back by tomorrow. 

The paintball game was epic. Ivy won the first round, I won the second round, and Girls won the last round. The last round was boys vs girls and the girls won.

Girl are obviously better than boys. I mean boys woudn't be alive if girls weren't here. So that proves that girls are waaaay better.

'NO! Boys are better!!' Jack shouts in the link. Stupido mind reader.


'Well boys wouldn't be here without girls.' I retort.

'Well girls are definatly better at paintball than boys.' I say and block him out.

Jack has always been a brother to me. A good brother for sure.


Hey peeps. Sorry for the long wait but school has just been crazy. I just put wars up so I hope you guys read that!


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