Chapter 13

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(It's gonna be Lucy's P.O.V for awhile)

It's been two weeks and Maddie and I are now the pack slaves. We cook three meals a day and save some for ourselves.

Every night we shift and get stronger by training. Maddie shifted early but has a slightly smaller wolf than normal.

Her wolf is red like my dad. My dad. He is in a better place. Then sketching hits me. The wolf that might be my mate had a gold gem.

Like its eyes. When I shift my eyes turn a pure sparkling silver. Maddie's eyes when human are a electric blue. But her wolves' eyes are a navy.

Right now I'm making dinner on the tenth night I've been here. And I feel a striking pain in my arm. I flinch and ignore it with all I can. Then it gets stronger, and then it spreads to all over my body.

I fall down and Maddie, wanting to be a doctor, rushes to my side. "It doesn't look like anything hurt you but did you encounter your mate at all?"

"Yes." I say my strength returning. "Than you and your mate are going to feel pain that your not with each other. Because being apart is bad, not bad horrible!" She exclaims while whisper yelling.


Jake, lets see. He's a terrible alpha a doesn't-owwwweeee!

I can't take this pain anymore I'm running away! "Wanna do something with me that involves leaving?" I ask Maddie.

"Ok let's go." We sneak out the back door and run as simple as that.

We just sneak out the back door not bothering to make dinner and go. We cover our tracks with a special secret that Maddie told me.

We both shift and run ahhh it feels good to be free again. We cross the pack line and say our goodbyes. NOT REALLY.

We run to that old place where I guess I met my mate. Yessss. I smell the beautiful scent of strawberries and Mangos.

I feel a pull and then we're met with a human that has the yummy wummy smell.


Made up song by me.

"I'm in love with you

I can't hide it

I'm in love with you

I can't deny it

Oooooooo oh oh yeah

You'll never love me anyway

Why should I ask you?

Just tell me why

Oh ooooo oh yeah

I know that if you found out

You wouldn't care

You'll never love me anyway

That's all I have so far." I smirk and Maddie looks at me. "That's awesome! At least better than me. Im a terrible singer you know."

I shake my head you will never know.

We can't decide wether to go in and get captured or stay out and be found by the guards. "Hey look over there! I smell a wolf!" a guard shouts.

We shift and run surprisingly not making any noise. We loose scent of the guards and Maddie stops and shifts behind a tree.

I follow suit. "Ok there is something I need to tell you that's very private. I've never told anyone this before."

Maddie says looking worried.

"Don't worry I keep secrets." I say.

"Ok so when you shift, you earn a power. A special power, wether you are a light wolf or a dark wolf you have a power."

"And I have one and so do you." Maddie says quietly.

We are at a pond and Maddie closes her eyes. And water evaporates off from the pond.

Wow! "Normally your power goes with the color of your wolf." Like mine red and yours whatever your color is but you have multiple colors."

I look at her with the 'for real?' face that's what gets her to break. "ok ok they say that only the powerful chosen ones get powers and when they meet they erm, fight in wars."

"Ok well that's never going to be me I shifted and I didn't have any source of power."

I say.

"You don't have to fund out when you shift. Just wait and see."

"Just wait and see." Maddie says sincere in her voice.

Argh! I Hate waiting with a capital H!

"There are five chosen ones. All have different color hair. On their wolves." She continues, "No one knows which gender the five will be."

"Well you're lucky..." I say, then it hits me the moon goddess said that I'm chosen. Not this way, I hope.

"Well we better be getting to bed. It's an hour past nightfall. This the most dangerous part of the day." I say and shift.

It's much more comfortable sleeping with fur. "Good night." yawns Maddie. She shifts and all I see is black.

Nicks P.O.V

I opened my mind to Lucy not knowing when to say something to her. It's hard she just left us right there and we haven't been able to keep track of her scent.

"Nick stop thinking about Lucy! She's gone get over it!" Shouts Daisy. It's been to hard for us Haley was killed in battle and Ivy is cutting.

Our pack is falling apart. Well my pack is falling apart. Just come home! Why did Lucy leave? I don't think she meant to get lost.

I get into bed and relax myself. Or at lest try to.


So Maddie and Lucy left. what's gonna happen?

I don't know I'm winging it! jkjk


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