Chapter 3

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Nick's P.O.V

I walk up to bed thinking about of what happened this morning.

The mind link from alpha James. I need to train Lucy much more often if they do it soon.

I might even have to take her out of school for it. Yup I'm gonna have to do it on Monday. And Tuesday. Also Wednesday. Maybe Thursday. Possibly Friday. I'm just going to take her out of school Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday.

Yup I'm actually quite scared about when they do it.

They want her, but I can't let them have her.

Last thing is that I absolutely HATE the Evergreen pack.

I admit they do have quite strong warriors but they just keep doing it to every pack in this part of town.

I need to contact my sister Brooke. She's running her own pack. Personally I haven't seen her in a while so she is my first choice to go to.

She is an older sibling, I rely on her. I can't go back to my brother.

After what happened. I am the youngest of us and will always be.

'Brooke I need your help with this emergency'

I said through mind link, almost instantly after she replied:

'Ok I'll help when do you want me?'

'Tomorrow, one thirty. be there'

'Kay see you tomorrow.'

Her voice echoed in my head as I shut her out.

I get into bed and try to fall asleep and I must've because I dream of happy peace where everyone is happy.

Lucy's P.O.V

"Aha! You can't go wandering around with that it your hands, anyway it's MINE! No not yours, MINE!"

I shout as Jack holds the jar of Nutella over my head. "You had some yesterday now it's my turn with it." He says spitting with his every word.

We all love Nutella in this family.

All of us except one.


She hates Nutella she says 'it's to sugary and it will make me look fat.'

Yeah right lady I don't know how I'm your friend Daisy everyone's gotta love Nutella.

I gasp as Jack finishes the jar and throws it away.

"MY BABY!!" I shout and pretend to faint. Actually it looks pretty real if you were Jack seeing on the way he reacted.

"Oh my god Lucy! Oh stupid Nutella!"

Well then I figured out that he really wasn't being real.

"Well then I guess the tickle monster will have to solve that problem." He says and I feel him get closer and closer until.

I shriek and shout, "NO! NO! NO! PLEASE DON'T TICKLE ME!!!!" That set him off. 2 for me 1 for Jack.

Now this war is just getting started.


Wow short chapter sorry maybe another update today if not tomorrow. I need you guys to please vote and comment, I want your opinions.

No pressure.


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