Louis Hurt- Skateboarding

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Ok, so this is my first request in this book.  Thank you to the lovely alygleeson_  for giving me this request.  I hope you like it.  :)

Words: 3,401

Today was a very boring day. Louis's boyfriend, Harry, had to work a shift at the ER, leaving Louis to come up with things to do with his best friend, Liam. It was Memorial Day, but even though it was a holiday, doctors still had to work. After all, people still got sick no matter what day it was.

Liam and Louis still had a barbecue together, even though it was just the two of them. Liam's family didn't live close by, and Louis usually spent it with Harry and his friends, along with Liam, but since Harry was working, it was a little awkward and not quite as exciting. Liam was a quiet guy and it was Harry who usually was the life of the party. He still loved hanging with Liam, but it just wasn't the same without Harry's company.

"Hot dogs are ready, mate," Liam said, grabbing the lot of them with his tongs and placing them on a plate. Liam had cooked them perfectly right, the grill marks a deep chard of black.

The boys grabbed a plate and piled it high with chips, baked beans, and two hot dogs. Louis added pickles, mustard, and ketchup to his hotdog, while Liam was satisfied with just a line of mustard along the middle.

They sat in front of the TV, stopping on Jeopardy, eating 'til their heart's content. "Oh, that was so good," Louis said when he was done, his hand resting on his stomach.

"Yeah, the hot dogs were amazing," Liam agreed. He got up and took his and Louis's plate to the sink before joining him back on the couch. After seeing enough of Jeopardy, they channel-surfed until they caught the last hour of some movie.

"So," Louis said, glancing at Liam. "What do you wanna do now? We still have half a day left."

Liam thought for a moment and looked out the window. The weather was bright and sunny and the light streamed in, creating spots of light on the carpet. "Wanna do something outside? Maybe go skateboarding?"

Louis nodded. "Hm, sure. Why not?"

They stood up and Louis said he'd grab his and Harry's boards from the garage. He returned minutes later with the boards as well as two helmets, and he handed one of them to Liam. "Here you go. Ready?"

"Yep," Liam said, taking the skateboard and exiting through the front door.

Liam and Louis placed the boards on the sidewalk, Louis in front, and began pushing off with their feet. Gradually, they began picking up speed, the wind blowing through their hair. Liam followed Louis, allowing him to take the lead. They sped through the neighborhoods, past bicyclers, past the dog walkers, and past the really slow old ladies taking a leisurely stroll.

When Louis felt like he was slowing down, he pushed off on the pavement again, and Liam did the same. Everything was going just fine, the boys enjoying the ride as they watched the scenery go by, until it happened.

Louis wasn't looking. Instead, he was paying attention to the dog that was resting in the grass, chewing on a bone. All of a sudden, the wheels of his skateboard hit a worn crack in the path, and Louis was thrown forward, catching a couple feet of air before being thrown like a ragdoll to the pavement. He hit the ground with a loud, hard thud.

Meanwhile, Liam gasped and quickly dismounted his board and ran to Louis's side. "Louis, are you okay?"

Louis remained on the ground, barely moving. His face was contorted in pain and he grunted.

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