Harry Hurt-Tennis

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Hope everyone's having a nice Christmas break!  This story I was inspired by the Tennis Coach episode from "8 Simple Rules."  Enjoy!

Words: 4,500

Louis had worked a long shift that day. He was a doctor in a small town and had seen a large range of patients today, from newborns to a couple senior citizens. His last patient of the day was in the room down the hallway to his left, and then he would be free to spend the rest of the evening with his boyfriend, Harry.

"Hi, how are you doing today?" Louis greeted the ten-year-old. The boy started coughing, shaking his head. "Oh, that doesn't sound too good."

The boy's mother spoke up. "He's been coughing a lot and running a fever."

Louis listened to the boy's heart with his stethoscope, checked his ears, nose, and throat, and made a diagnosis. "It looks like it's just a really bad cold. You'll need to take some pain relievers like Children's Tylenol in order to bring his fever down. That should make him more comfortable until it runs its course."

"Okay, thank you, Dr. Tomlinson. We'll for sure do that." The mother began to stand up and she and Louis shook hands. Louis lead her and her son out of the room as Louis went back to his office.

Finally, it was time to go home. When he arrived at his house, Harry was already on the couch with the TV on.

"Hey, Hazza!" Louis shouted happily, taking off his jacket.

"Hey hot stuff," Harry replied. "I always love seeing you in your doctor uniform."

"Oh, well maybe I should wear it more often then," Louis said with a laugh. "But actually, I'm gonna go change. Be right back." He didn't like to wear his white scrubs outside of the office in case he brought home any germs.

"Okay. I made spaghetti!"

"Nice! It smells good." Louis happily hummed to himself a tune he heard on the radio as he changed into some skinny jeans and a t-shirt. In a couple minutes, he was joining Harry on the couch with the home-cooked meal.

"So, tomorrow's Saturday. What do you wanna do?" Louis asked, cutting a meatball in half with his fork.

"Hmm," Harry said, thinking.

"We can do anything you want."

"Well, since the weather's getting warmer, wanna play tennis?" Harry asked, sucking in a strand of noodles.

"Yeah," Louis agreed. "We haven't done that in a while. That could be fun."

"Ok. Cool. So how was work today?" Harry asked and then took a drink of his lemonade.

Louis swallowed. "Pretty good. Nothing too eventful or interesting really. It's been a long week, and I'm so ready for the weekend."

"Me, too."

The boys continued eating dinner and watched a bit of TV. The next morning, they put on their shorts and t-shirts and grabbed their tennis rackets from the garage.

The weather was gorgeous. It was sunny and it was just the right temperature, with a slight breeze in the air. There were a few other couples and families on the other courts as well, making it more crowded than expected. Apparently they had the same idea as they did.

The boys found a vacant court and Louis took one side while Harry took the other.

"Alright, babe. Go ahead and serve!" Louis called from his end to Harry. Harry tossed the ball high up into the air and served it with his racket. Louis was able to hit it back to him, and they kept the rally up for a while until Harry missed.

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