Louis Takes the Bullet

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This was requested by Ruby_Loves_1D .  

Words: 2,165

"Good to see you today, Mr. Lee. How does your shoulder feel?" Dr. Tomlinson asked his patient. He was finally nearing the end of his shift, the never-ending shift from hell. The man wasn't smiling. Louis shifted in his seat, preparing for the worst.

"It still hurts," the man answered gruffly.

"Did you take your pills and go to therapy?" Louis prodded.

"Didn't help at all. Waste of time." The old man folded his arms, obviously angry about something.

Why me, Louis pondered, holding back a groan. He spent the next 15 minutes trying to get at the root of this man's problems and at the same time, getting yelled at and called incompetent and too young. Louis just remained as calm as he could even though the man griped about everything.

When he had finally seen his last patient, he sped out of his office, wishing to be home as quickly as possible. He couldn't stand to see even one more patient tonight. He was done. Just. So. Done.

He got in his car, turned up the heat, and began to turn out of the parking lot. It was already pretty dark out, so he turned on the headlights. The short drive had helped him to relax a little, and listening to the radio didn't hurt either.

When he arrived home, Harry was already on the couch waiting for him, his arms wide open. It looked so inviting. "Hey, love. I've missed you!" Harry was still in his doctor scrubs, apparently too lazy to have changed out of them even though he had probably been home for a full hour straight already.

Louis put down his things and went straight into his arms, hugging him closely. Harry pulled him into his chest and squeezed his torso to the point that he almost couldn't breathe. After one more tight squeeze, he let up a bit. "You look tired, Lou. How was work today?"

Louis sat back while Harry put his arm around him. "Aw, it was horrible." He wiped at his tired eyes with his fingers, massaging them. "It must've been Crabby Patient Day because that's what it was like. Everyone was complaining and rude and just—" Louis trailed off and sighed.

Harry smiled and kissed his cheek. "Aw, poor Lou. Don't let the patients get to you. Some days are just going to be harder than others. Tomorrow will be better I'm sure."

Harry always knew the right thing to say to make him feel better. Just having him there to talk to and someone to cuddle with after a hard day was already making him forget about it, and he felt the tension leave his muscles.

"So how was your day?" Louis asked, his head resting on Harry's shoulder. Louis listened to Harry talk, feeling his deep voice reverberate in his head. Louis caressed Harry's thigh as he rubbed his fingertips across it gently.

This was nice. Just the two of them together, melting in each other's arms, stealing kisses and laughing the evening away.

"What was that?" Harry said, interrupting his story suddenly.

Louis lifted his head. "What? I didn't hear anything."

He heard it again, only Louis heard it, too. It was the sound of their front door creaking open. "Did you lock the door?" Harry whispered.

Louis couldn't remember. Did he? He was so frustrated and tired upon coming home that he wasn't really sure. They heard the noise again, the creaking getting louder. They heard that sound every time they opened that particular door, so there was no mistake about what was happening.

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