Gymnastics Injury-Harry

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Okay, guys.  This was a request from my other sickfic book, from the "You Choose 2" chapter.  I really liked this prompt so I thought I'd go ahead and write it.  This is from janja812 . 

Words: 4,171

Harry stood at the Pommel Horse, ready to go again. He was already sweating and his arms were tired, but he wasn't going to give up just yet. He wanted to master this thing. He had been doing gymnastics for most of his life and it was his favorite thing in the world to do. Just one more round until he would give this a rest before heading home to his husband, Louis.

He grabbed on and hopped up, pulling his body weight onto the horse. He started to run through his routine again, one he'd been practicing for weeks on already. He tuned out all the other gymnasts around him who were running around and doing flips, turning on the bars, and walking on the balance beam. He moved his hands around the horse, moving his body all around and keeping his toes pointed.

He knew he should have re-coated his hands with chalk. They were too sweaty to begin with, and now they were losing their grip. When he was hovering over the Pommel Horse, he slipped and his chest slammed down hard on the equipment. He couldn't keep his balance and he kept falling all the way to the ground several feet below where he landed with a thud on his back.

He must've hit his head as well because he was out of it for a moment. When he awoke, there were people around him, looking down at his face as he lay there, dazed and confused.

"Harry, are you okay? We saw you lying there and we came running," Liam said, a fellow gymnastics student.

Harry squinted at the thee boys staring at him as he slowly started remembering that he had fallen. He took a breath to say something and stopped immediately when he felt an intense pain in his chest. It felt like he had been hit with something with tremendous force and his side was throbbing. Harry winced. "Ow, my ribs really hurt!"

He put his arm in front of them as if it could relieve the pain. He had never felt anything like it before. Even small breaths were killing him.

"Niall, you go get Allen, and Nate, help me lift him up," Liam said. Allen was the sports medicine therapist. He was there to help anyone who got hurt. "Okay, Harry. We're gonna help you up, alright?"

Harry nodded nervously. The two boys put their hands under Harry's arms and started to lift, but Harry felt horrible pain in his back and he screamed for them to stop. Harry had tears in his eyes and he didn't let up about it until he was back on the ground again, but this time he was sitting up.

He kept a hand to his ribs and sat as straight up as he could since it hurt a lot to slouch. Harry looked up and coming towards him was Niall and Allen.

"Hello, Harry. They told me you had a little accident?" Allen said, kneeling down beside him with his medical kit.

"Yeah, I fell off the Pommel Horse," Harry said with a pained voice. He was talking even slower than normal because of the pain. "I hit my ribs really hard and fell on my back."

"Okay, and does your back hurt?"


"And boys, did you see him fall?" Allen inquired.

"No," answered Niall. "We saw him after the fact."

"Okay, well let's take a look here." With Harry's permission, Allen lifted up Harry's shirt to examine him. "Would you mind taking your shirt off, Harry?"

"Okay," Harry said, and winced as the words left his mouth. Seeing Harry struggle, Liam rushed over and helped him pull the shirt off his arms and over his head.

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