Both are Doctors-Harry's Sick

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This is a request from hipsterterran.  First off, I kinda got some requests out of order, so this one is kinda getting ahead of itself, lol.  So if you're still waiting on yours to be written, don't worry.  It'll happen. 

Words: 2,584

 Harry was exhausted. He was a doctor and so was his husband, Louis, and he had one awful heck of a week. It was the busiest time of the year for him and he had had to come into work last weekend as well because of a few emergencies.

When Harry arrived home, he ate the pizza Louis had ordered, even though his stomach felt sick. Yes, even doctors ate unhealthy things like pizza because it's easier than cooking sometimes. They were busy.

When it came time for bed, Harry was asleep as soon as his head hit the pillow. Louis had work half an hour before he did, so he heard Louis's alarm clock go off first in the morning. It pounded in his skull, making him wince. Louis let it ring another minute to Harry's annoyance.

Harry lay in bed as he heard Louis shuffle into he bathroom to get ready. He wanted to sleep in longer, but he couldn't sleep. He realized he was hot, sweaty, and overall, just felt sick. He got up to change into his doctor uniform, and then put on his shoes. He did this slowly while sitting on the bed, since standing made him feel nauseous.

Louis finished his shower and came into the room already dressed into his doctor outfit, the shower emitting a fruity scent along with a humid, wetness into the room.

"Lou, I'm not sure that I'm gonna go to work. I don't feel very good," Harry pouted, tying his shoes sluggishly.

"What's wrong?" Louis asked, towel drying his dark hair.

"I'm just tired and sweaty and just don't feel right, and I've got a sore throat."

"Well, you've been running a tight shift for the past couple weeks, especially this week. I think they've run you ragged," Louis said. He took out his black shoes from the closet and slipped them on his feet.

"Could you maybe stay home with me?" Harry asked timidly. He didn't want Louis to feel obligated, but he really wanted some company.

Louis smiled as he tied his shoes, but shook his head. "Haz, I think you're fine. You're just a bit exhausted, but you know, I get how that is. Work can get tiring. I promise we'll have a date night this weekend to make up for it, ok?"

Before Harry could even respond, Louis said he needed to get going. "Hurry and get ready. I'll see you after work."

Harry heard the front door shut as he sat on the foot of the bed. Maybe he wasn't convincing enough, or maybe Louis was right. Maybe he was just exhausted. He got up to use the bathroom and he felt heavy on his feet. His blood pressure must've been low because he kept getting blackouts ever time he stood up.

He began to cough and he realized how much his back hurt. His throat was also pretty sore. He decided to take his temperature. He placed the thermometer in his mouth and waited for the beep. 99.9. Yep, he was definitely sick. This was more than just exhaustion. He wasn't going anywhere.

After making a phone call to work to let them know the physician's assistant would have to take over, he got himself situated on the couch in front of the TV. He half watched and half dozed, feeling the fever increase.

He was chilled to the bone and wrapped himself up in a blanket. Half hour later, he was soaked in sweat as he kicked off the blanket. His back hurt and so did all of his joints. He took his temperature again and it was 102. He took some Ibuprofen to try and get it down, because he knew it was dangerous for one's temperature to get too high. His throat was also feeling extremely sore by now, and even drinking water hurt.

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