Louis Plays Doctor

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Hey guys!  I've had a few people really like my "Harry Flu" oneshot where Louis plays a doctor to Dr. Harry, so I thought I'd write you another one.  Hope you enjoy it.    

Words: 1,999

Harry came home from a nightmare of having to see sick kids. It was flu season, and moms everywhere were bringing their infants, their toddlers, and their older kids in for some reason or other. By the time he got home to his boyfriend, Louis, he was wiped out and feeling like crap.

"Hey, Lou," Harry greeted him at the door, hanging his coat on the rack.

"Hey, babe," Louis said, coming to the entry way to give him a kiss to the cheek.

Harry sneezed and then wiped his nose on a tissue.

"You okay, Haz? You don't look so great."

"I'm fine," Harry said, waving him off. "I'm just tired and my throat's a little sore."

"Oh, well let me get you some Ibuprofen," Louis said, going to the cupboard to fetch it with some water.

"Thanks, Lou," Harry said, swallowing down the pills. Then he remembered something. "Oh, it's my turn to cook." He slowly began getting out some pots and pans and a wooden spoon, wondering where all his energy had gone. He stood up and was dizzy. This wasn't like him. He sneezed again, reaching for the tissue he stuck in his pocket.

"I think you might be catching a cold or something, Harry."

"Yeah, maybe. I saw so many sick kids today it was crazy." He got out a few ingredients from the fridge, wondering why he felt so lightheaded.

"Maybe you caught something from one of them," Louis said. "Harry, why don't I cook something and you go lie down on the couch?"

Harry stopped for a moment, resting his sore body against the counter, his eyes glazed over and looking confused. "Wait, what? You said you'll cook?"

Louis nodded. "Yeah, go rest."

"Okay, I guess I will then if you don't mind."

Louis got things ready and made a simple meal of spaghetti and frozen meatballs. When it was done, Harry refused to eat, saying he wasn't hungry at all. Louis ate in silence from the kitchen, eating alone.

When he was done and the dishes were washed, he checked on how Harry was doing.

"Harry, babe. How ya feel?" He placed his hand on Harry's forehead and it was pretty hot.

"Not very good," Harry said, and then began coughing.

Louis left the room for a moment and returned with Harry's doctor bag, the one he kept at home for days like this.

Harry opened his eyes once he heard the noise of a zipper. "What are you doing?" he said weakly, the talking hurting his throat. He noticed Louis had his doctor kit and wondered what his plans were for using it. He didn't normally touch his doctor stuff.

"Taking your temperature." Louis placed the device into Harry's ear and once it beeped, he read the numbers. "101. You've got a fever."

"Mmm," Harry said in acknowledgement, but winced when it sent shocks of pain down his throat.

"Throat hurts?" Louis asked sweetly.

Harry just nodded, not wanting to talk unless he had to.

"Let me take a look," Louis said, and he rummaged around the bag until he found a popsicle stick and a light to shine into Harry's mouth. He remembered what Harry always told him to do as a doctor, so he just mimicked what he knew. "Okay, open wide, Harry." Louis pressed Harry's tongue down gently with the tongue depressor and asked him to say 'ah.'"

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