Car Accident- Harry

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This is for Misslove2014 . 

Words: 2,665

He never saw it coming--only when it was too late. He felt the crash, his head hitting the steering wheel, and that's all he knew right before blackening out.

Louis, or Dr. Tomlinson, as he was known at the hospital, was sipping the remains of his ice water while on a break, when sounds of mayhem broke loose. Arising from his seat, he heard the voice of a first respondent. "Car accident victim, two parties involved. One male deemed DOA, and this male is in serious condition."

Well, looks like it's back to the old grind, Louis thought to himself, throwing away his Styrofoam cup, ready to begin another grueling couple of hours before he could call it quits for the day.

He quickly made his way to see about his next patient. Considering how the other driver was killed, he knew he was walking into something serious, and he prepared himself mentally, taking a big breath. He and a couple nurses surrounded the patient as Louis thanked the EMT before he took off.

He looked down at the still body which was covered with a blanket, and he was wearing a white and blue neck brace, which most patients wore when they arrived by ambulance. Before Louis got a look at his face, his cry of pain was what alerted Louis, what made him stop in his tracks. He knew that deep, guttural sound from anywhere.

Louis met his patient's face and locked eyes with him immediately. "Harry?" Louis said, hoping he was wrong.

His heart sank with Harry's reply. "Louis," he said weakly.

Louis instantly felt lightheaded, his heart dropping to his stomach. It was like he was watching the events unfold without being there, like it was something he was watching on TV. The nurses rolled the stretcher with urgency to a room as Louis grabbed on tightly to the bar of the gurney, his feet somehow still knowing how to walk.

"Dr. Tomlinson, are you gonna be able to handle this? Are you okay?" a nurse asked. Seeing as he was still stunned, she said, "We can get another doctor---"

Louis quickly cut her off. "No! No, I've got this. Let me do this," he ordered, and they knew better than to protest.

Louis turned all his attention on Harry, who was moaning in pain, with tears in his eyes. There was blood running down his face. Louis pulled back the blanket. "Baby, where does it hurt?"

Harry swallowed, the only action he did that didn't hurt. He breathed in to answer and cried out from the sharp pain in his side. His legs felt like they'd been crushed, and he had a massive headache. "Everywh—" he said, but the pain was too great for him to finish.

"He's fainted," the nurse yelled.

Louis's heart skipped a beat. "Help me get his clothes off. Harry, wake up! Wake up, baby." Louis kept trying to get him to wake up as he and the nurses cut his clothes off. There were fresh bruises all over his body, mostly to the right side of him, as well as several cuts of various sizes. He also had a gash between his eyebrows that was dried with blood and a dark bruise on his chin. His right leg was bent at an awkward angle, and it was obvious to Louis that it was broken.

A minute later, Louis noticed that he was slowly opening his eyes. "Harry, stay with me now. You've got a broken leg and some cuts and bruises. I'm gonna feel around to rule out internal injuries, okay?"

Harry layed there and wanted to nod, but couldn't because of the neck brace. He was feeling sick and feverish and a little dizzy. He blinked and waited for what would happen next.

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