Carnival Fire-Louis

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This is a request from sporty999.  I hope you all like it.  

Words:  3,767

Louis pinched another bit of the fluffy blue stuff and put it in his mouth. It melted quickly on contact, the sugary sweetness filling his taste buds. He walked the carnival with Harry, watching the rides and the crowds of people around them. The night smelled heavenly, scents of sugar and cinnamon wafting in the cool air. Harry pointed to a stand as his eyes lit up. "Ooo, I wanna do that one, Louis! I like the unicorn."

Louis laughed. It was a game where you have to knock down the glass bottles with a ball. The two boys walked over and handed the man a dollar.

"You get three tries," the man said gruffly, handing Harry the balls.

Harry gave Louis his cotton candy and took aim. He pulled back his hand and released the ball, knocking over one bottle. He hummed in disappointment.

"Almost, Hazza. Try again," Louis urged.

Harry aimed again, taking his time. When he was ready, he drew back his hand, throwing the ball harder this time. The ball knocked down seven of the ten pins. Harry was determined to win that unicorn. Taking the last one in his hands, he concentrated on the bottles and gave it a good throw. This time, all bottles went down except for the last one, which remained standing as if taunting him.

"That's okay, Haz," Louis said as Harry hung his head. "Maybe next time." Louis looked up to see a ride they hadn't ridden yet. It was fast with lots of lights. "Why don't we ride that one, Harry?"

Harry shrugged. "Okay."

Louis lead Harry to the line, his hand on his back. The line was rather short, it getting later in the evening. The sky was dark, but the lights in the carnival were bright enough to see by. Once they approached the head of the line, they were ushered in a booth just for the two of them.

After a few minutes when all the passengers were all on board, the ride began. It was a scrambler ride where people were forced left and right and diagonally and then up in the air where they were scrambled again. The boys were laughing and grinning and having a great time. The wind blew their hair around and made them feel a bit chillier.

"Yeahhh!" Harry screamed, feeling himself come alive as he enjoyed the thrill of the ride.

It was the smell of smoke that first caught their attention. It smelled like someone had turned on the heater. They didn't think too much of it until a spark erupted by Louis's side. Louis gasped and shifted himself closer to Harry. More than one spark erupted, several in a row and together, they started a fire just inches from Louis's body.

The flames were hot and growing quickly, burning through the corner of the stall they were sitting in. The ride continued, moving fast and zooming around. It was when it began to go high into the air that Louis really began to panic. "Harry!" he shouted, grabbing onto his leg.

He feared falling out of the ride. Parts of the seat was already burned away. He knew he needed to hold onto something. He grasped Harry's pants as tightly as he could. The ride tilted, making Louis lean towards the fire, but Harry grabbed onto him.

The fire was higher now and Louis felt a burning heat on his side. The fire had finally reached him. "I'm on fire!" He began batting the fire away, hitting his sides and stomach with his hands.

"Help! Get us off! Turn off the ride!" Harry screamed to whomever could hear him. He was desperate. For their lives' sakes, they needed to get off this ride as soon as possible. The ride began to slow down swiftly as if someone had heard his pleas, or else they saw the fire that was growing at Louis's side.

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