Car Accident-Louis

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Words: 3,280

This one's more intense.  It's a request from paige_originalzz1D .  Enjoy.

Louis and Niall had just finished a night of club hopping. Louis's boyfriend, Harry, was working the late shift in the ER, so that's why he had hung out with Niall. It was a Friday night after all. They both had a few drinks, but not enough that they were very drunk.

"Come on, Ni. Let's go home," Louis decided, and they walked to his car.

Louis was behind the wheel, driving Niall home after a crazy evening, and Louis knew Harry's shift had just ended and that he'd probably get home at the same time as him. He just wanted to cuddle up with Harry and tell him how his night was, and then Harry would tell him about how he saved another life.

They had only driven a couple miles on the highway when they were rear ended by an SUV at an insanely high speed. When Louis saw the bright headlights behind them and that it wasn't stopping, he screamed out Niall's name as they were thrown forward, the steering wheel hitting Louis hard in the chest.

The force of the crash caused the vehicle to stumble to its side, tossing the boys around in the car. When it finally stopped rocking back and forth, they laid there unconscious for a couple minutes, their bodies sprawled out awkwardly on their seats.

A pain in his chest brought Louis back to consciousness. He opened his eyes to find that he was covered in shattered glass and blood, the window having been smashed in. He looked to his right and saw Niall laying there in his own blood, which was pooling under his side, still asleep.

Louis was halfway in and halfway out of the window, his upper torso laying on the road. It was dark outside except for the street lights, and cars were zooming around him in the other lanes.

"Niall!" Louis shouted. His chest was burning with pain and the shouting only made it worse. He had to wake Niall up. "Wake up!"

He decided to try and scoot out of the vehicle. Maybe then he could run over to the passenger side and get Niall out. He pressed his feet off the seat and agony tore through his shin and he screamed. He couldn't see what was wrong with it because his leg was still inside the car, but he knew it was something terrible.

He was finding it harder to breath with every passing minute and his leg was in excruciating pain. His arms and hands were covered with blood and there were a few bleeding cuts all over his face. He didn't know what to do. The more he struggled to get himself out of the car, the more his breathing became labored and he could hardly get any air.

He was panicking and shouting Niall's name until he couldn't anymore. He was going to die. He was stuck in this beaten up car, and this was how his world would end. He was hurting so badly, the pieces of glass from the window having embedded in his cut skin.

After what felt like an eternity, he heard footsteps running frantically towards him and he was met with an upside-down pair of green eyes. Harry. Thank goodness.

"Louis!" Harry screamed, recognizing his husband. He crouched down to his level. "I saw your car on my way home. Oh my gosh, you're hurt!" He put his hands through Louis's hair and cupped his face.

Louis breathed in a raggedy breath. "Niall's still asleep." He could hardly talk. His chest was aching, like it had been beaten with a hammer.

Harry looked over in the other direction and saw Niall with his eyes closed, lying there motionless. Harry cursed. He was about to go to him when Louis suddenly clutched his wrist.

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