Louis's Sick

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This is a request from onedirectionsickfics.  Hope you like it!

Words: 3,488

Louis had woken up sometime during the night feeling sicker than a dog. His stomach was cramping and he was flushed with fever. He pushed back the duvet and wiped the sweat from his neck. His shirt was damp but it helped cool him off in the chilly air of the room.

He would've liked to stay where he was, but nausea was creeping up on him, and if he didn't go now, he'd explode with everything right there on the bed. He sat up and stood on wobbly knees, when the urge to vomit was imperative.

He ran to the bathroom and threw up in the toilet. For minutes on end, not a sound was heard except for choking, retching, and coughing. The bathroom didn't smell that great, either.

When he felt like he was done, he climbed back into bed and buried himself in the covers since now the fever was making him cold. He slept a few more hours until he had to throw up again. His throat hurt and his head was pounding. He didn't feel any better than the first time he'd woken up.

He looked at the clock. It was only 6:30am. He groaned, turning over in his bed, hoping to fall asleep again. He closed his hot, feverish eyes, but after 15 minutes, he still couldn't go back to sleep.

Feeling all alone and absolutely terrible, he decided to call Harry. Harry was a doctor, but luckily it was Saturday, so he knew Harry didn't have to work today. He felt bad that he'd probably wake him up, but he really need him right now.

Louis grabbed his phone on the night stand and dialed his number.

After ringing for an eternity, Harry finally picked up. "Hello?" he said, groggily.


"Louis, it's early." Harry said, squinting at his clock. He could barely make out the numbers because he wasn't wearing his contacts, but he could still make out the time. "What's up?"

Louis could tell he'd woken Harry up, his voice rough and scratchy. "I'm sick," he said pathetically.

Harry raised his brows. "Oh. Did you just wake up sick?" Harry yawned, stretching his arms and legs.

"I've been throwing up most of the night." Louis coughed loudly into the phone.

"Oh, baby, I'm so sorry. Want me to come over?" He turned over on his side to prop himself up on his elbow.

"Do you think you could bring me over to your house?"

"You wanna come over here instead?" Harry asked, getting out of bed and putting on his fluffy pink slippers.

"Yeah," Louis said, coughing. "I like it over there better. Besides, I'd feel bad for making you spend your weekend over here." Louis's apartment was tiny as he lived alone, and there wasn't even TV. He didn't want to make Harry feel not only trapped but bored as well.

"Okay, I can be over there in half an hour. Sound good?"

"Yeah. Text me when you get here."

So then Louis waited for Harry, getting himself ready to leave in the meantime. He picked himself out of bed and made his way to the dresser. On his way there, he had to brace himself from falling over because of the dizziness. He clutched onto the bedpost and let the feeling pass before continuing.

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