Harry's sick (both doctors)

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This was requested by janja812 . 

Words: 2,701

Harry awoke to a strange sensation in his neck. It was stiff and it hurt to move it. He groaned. Great, I've gotta work with a stiff neck today, he thought. He must have slept wrong. That kind of thing happened to him occasionally. Sometimes he wondered if they needed a different mattress or even a different pillow. Oh, well. He was a doctor and he needed to get to work regardless.

He looked at the alarm clock. There was one more minute until it went off. There was no point in sleeping in for one minute longer, so he turned it off because it would wake Louis up, and Louis didn't get up for another half an hour for his shift. The nicest thing about their marriage was that they both worked as ER doctors in the same hospital, so they just took turns getting ready in the morning. They took different cars, however, because sometimes they got done with seeing patients at different times.

When Harry arrived at the ER, he saw his first patient just ten minutes later. It was a man who cut his finger pretty badly while cooking breakfast. Harry had to sew it up, trying to ignore the ache in his neck. He was having a hard time bending it enough to look down at the task at hand.

"There you go, sir. Be more careful next time you cook," Harry said to him as he left. Harry rubbed his neck and sighed. Maybe Louis could give him a massage at home after his shift. Several patients later, he was feeling funny. Was it hot in here to anyone else? He fanned himself with the papers in his hand.

If he didn't know better, he'd have thought he was running a fever. Before thinking more on the subject, a patient was rolled in from an ambulance. A teen boy had almost drowned in a pool and wasn't breathing. Harry ran speedily towards the stretcher and immediately felt his own heart beating rapidly against his chest. Harry grabbed an AED and attached the pads to the boy's chest. "Clear!"

The boy's heart was zapped but there was no response. He still wasn't breathing. "Clear!" Harry yelled again. This time, the boy began to wake up and there was a slow and steady pulse. Before Harry could celebrate and breathe, another trauma patient arrived that he had to deal with. When that was over and the patient was dealt with, Harry found himself sweating. Was it from the adrenaline? His job required a lot out of him, but then again, so did most days. Today was no different. There was no reason to be sweating like this.

Harry went to the staff bathroom and leaned up against the sink. He was so tired he could hardly stand. His face was red, his hairline damp, and he felt chilled. He must have a fever. He massaged his sore neck as he looked at himself in the mirror. He looked a mess. There was only an hour left of his shift, and he'd just have to suck it up.

Somehow, he got through the last couple patients and luckily didn't run into Louis. He got into his car and drove home and frowned when he thought about how he'd have to cook supper. He wasn't hungry at all, and the thought of food made him queasy. He still had to cook something for Louis, though. He made the quickest thing he could think of so he'd be out of the kitchen fastest: scrambled eggs and raspberry toast.

The minute it was done, Louis had come home. "Hey, love. How was your day?"

"Fine," Harry said. "Made some scrambled eggs." He put the plate on the table.

"Oh, I love eggs. Where's your plate?" Louis asked, looking all around.

Harry shook his head. "I got done with my shift faster than you so I ate my plate already," he lied. He didn't need Louis knowing that he had no appetite. Louis would make a much bigger fuss than what it really was.

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