Christmas Tree Collision-Harry

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Hello!  This is a prompt given to me by the creative, SPORTY999.  She gave me lots of details and even several quotes that I used in the story that were helpful.  I think it turned out rather well if I do say so myself.  :) 

Words: 3,257

Louis's birthday was coming up, and Harry was excited. He was determined to make it the best birthday his boyfriend has ever had. He decided to go to one of the shops and buy him an amazing gift. He didn't have anything in mind, but he wanted it to be great.

He stepped out of his car that frosty December morning, his nose hairs freezing up. He wasn't a big fan of winters in London. It was pretty, however. The trees were sparkling with snow, creating a gorgeous, pristine atmosphere.

The parking lot was busy, many people exiting their cars, and dodging the vehicles still looking for parking. The front of the store had a large six-foot Christmas tree in front, a nice way to welcome Christmas, as well as the holiday shoppers, Harry thought.

Harry made his way to the front of the store, eying down the tree. It was decorated to the brim. Soft white lights glowed dimly around it, which he could see even in the daylight. Tinsel was thrown on every branch, making it sparkle as the sunlight reflected off of it.

He was almost upon the tree as he walked briskly to get out of the chilly air. He noticed a young girl, probably no older than three years old, stop under the tree, admiring it and playing with the ornaments. Harry smiled to himself. He loved children and couldn't wait to have some of his own one day.

Blowing on his hands for warmth, he saw something in the corner of his eye. A truck was speeding towards him as if the driver was mad or asleep at the wheel.

People's screams pierced the air as it knocked down a few women with shopping carts. Harry looked up and remembered the child. She was still under the tree, oblivious to what was going on around her.

The truck, with seemingly no intentions of slowing down, was seconds away from crashing into the child.

Harry's eyes roamed from the toddler to the truck, and he knew what he had to do. The decision was made.

His heart hammering and adrenaline pumping through his veins, he leapt towards the child, grabbing her around the waist and tossed her to safety. The truck crashed into his body, sending him into the thorny branches of the Christmas tree, casting it on its side. The ornaments flew off the tree and scattered all over the parking lot.

His head hit the pavement with a loud crack, and he was out like a light. He awoke again just minutes later, dazed and confused. Shoppers were gathered around him as they watched as EMT's took his pulse.

"Sir, are you okay?" one spoke to him. "Try to stay awake."

His eyelids seemed to have a mind of their own, because they closed again, sending him once more into darkness.

He awoke again later on a stretcher as a familiar set of eyes stared into his worriedly. It was Louis, his long-time boyfriend and ER doctor.

"Harry, baby, are you alright?" Louis said worriedly, checking Harry's heart with his stethoscope quickly as a nurse helped wheel him into an exam room.

Harry looked at him with a muddled expression, the bright lights of the hospital making him squint. There were scratches all over his face and hands, a couple of them bleeding slightly as it dripped down the side of his face.

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