Heat Exhaustion-Louis

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This one goes out to jayyxoxo

Words: 1,543

Louis and the boys (Liam and Niall) were on a break from doing promo while in Australia. This was their last day in the country, and they wanted to make it count by doing something fun. They asked management if they could go out to the beach for the day and they said it was okay as long as Harry, their team doctor, went with them.

It was fine with the lot because they loved hanging out with Harry. He wasn't much older than the rest of them, but he was very smart and was one of the reasons he was hired by management. He was a well-trained and experienced doctor. Louis had fancied him from the beginning. You might as well call it love at first sight.

The four of them traveled to the ocean with their driver, and Niall leapt out first from the car, carrying his soccer ball. The humidity here was insane. Louis was already sweating within seconds. He reminded himself not to take air conditioning for granted.

After setting up a spot on the sand with blankets and drinks, Liam and Harry headed straight for the water, but Niall and Louis hung back.

"Play a game of footie, mate?" Niall called to Louis, who was stripping off his shirt.

"Give it to me!" he yelled, and then Niall kicked the ball to him, and he dribbled it towards the thick tree behind Niall. Niall caught it with his foot and ran with it towards Louis's goal. Louis ran up to him, trying to steal the ball away.

Louis intercepted it and kicked it full force towards the tree and it bounced off the bark, rolling back towards him.

Meanwhile, Liam and Harry were splashing each other in the water, laughing and carrying on, having a great time. The water was gorgeous, a beautiful shade of blue. You could easily see your feet from the shallow end.

"Kick it back in, mate!" Niall shouted.

Louis wiped the sweat from his brow. Man, he was hot. He hadn't, however, played soccer in a long while, so he wasn't about to quit right now. They continued to play, running around all over the sand, which actually made things more difficult. The sand made their bodies work even harder, which made them sweat faster.

Sweat dripped into Louis's eyes and he wiped them away with a couple fingers. He was sweating heavily. There were drops of it dripping down his chest to his navel. Luckily, he had put sunscreen on before he left the car. His skin was turning a slight shade of pink anyway.

He put the ball back into play while Niall guarded his territory. Louis watched his feet as he dribbled the ball and then looked up towards the goal. Was it just his imagination, or was his vision going blurry? He blinked hard and he realized it wasn't his vision. He was just dizzy. He rested his hands on his knees for a moment, and then he heard a voice behind him.

Harry was drying himself off with a towel. "Care if I join, lads?"

"No, go ahead! You can join Louis's team. He could use all the help he can get," Niall said with a laugh.

Harry chuckled, too, while Louis glanced in his direction. Louis was blushing, but no one could tell because his face was already beat red.

"You okay, Louis? Your face is red," Harry said, observing him.

Louis brushed off his comment with a hand. "I'm fine." Then he shouted to Niall, "Bring it!"

Niall began dribbling again, and the boys ran around the sand trying to block their goal from him. The heat was really getting to Louis. He was sweating and the dizziness only continued to get worse. He was a little wobbly, but he was good at covering it up by running around. It was when he kept still that he felt like he would fall over.

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