Chapter 7

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Steph called out my name and I knew there was no chance of escape. Quinn must have realised because he had a strange smile on his face; or maybe my strong dislike for him clouded my judgement.

They both stopped in front of me and I felt Jarrod come to my side. Both their eyes lingered on him for a moment too long and the tension was almost palpable.

'Hey,' I said meekly, mostly to Steph than Quinn.

Quinn gave the same reply, drawling the word out. At least he replied. 

'Are you here with him?' Steph asked, pointing her head in Jarrod's direction.

'Jarrod,' he added in a manner that was far too sweet. 'And yeah she came with me.'

Just as friends, I added mentally. 

'Yeah, whatever,' she replied. Quinn snickered.

My eyes snapped to him, already hating his presence even more. 'Is something funny, Quinn?' 

He shrugged his shoulders, a smile covering his face. 'Your boyfriend might not see it like that.'

I swallowed, the only reaction that suggest any unease I was feeling. I wouldn't let them know that they got me. Anyway, why should I feel guilty? Jarrod and I are here as friends. I didn't cheat on John with Quinn. 

But that's not how John saw it. That's not how John will see this.

'I have nothing to hide,' I insisted.

'Back off, Quinn.' Steph snapped. 'Look we just came here to say hi. But Quinn's right he's not gonna see it that way. We won't tell him you were here.'

I stared at her. She was having one of her rare moments where she actually cares for you. I glanced at Jarrod wondering how he must feel. He didn't wanna be some girls dirty little secret even if he wasn't.

'Penelope, let's go,' Jarrod said. 

But I didn't. I stayed rooted to the ground, at complete odds with myself.

Quinn sighed impatiently. 'Just go, Penelope. I won't mention it.'

I looked at him venomously and for a second he looked taken back. Without saying anything I walked off. Still I couldn't shake off the feeling that John already saw or that maybe right now he was watching. Maybe Steph and Quinn were telling him right now. 

I had no idea who I could trust. I turned to look at Jarrod who was watching me.

'I'm really sorry about that.'

He shook his head dismissively. 'Don't be. You didn't do anything wrong.'

I nodded my head, relieved that he wasn't too fazed by what had just happened. We both stood there in the dark of the night not saying anything.

If we didn't run into Steph and Quinn we would've been eating right now. I wonder how things would've gone. Suddenly I felt like going home, like the evening had been ruined because of that one meeting. 

'Will you take me home, please?' I asked.

Jarrod looked at me for a second and his mouth struggled to form words. Then he nodded and said, 'Sure.'

As he drove out of the fair I looked in the mirror as the dazzling lights faded in the distance, taking it with it the magic and the fun of the night.

I sat up as he parked outside my house and turned to face him. He was looking up at my house. 'All the lights are off. I don't think anyone's home yet.'

'Mum said she'd be late anyway. Jarrod, I had a really good time. Infact I can't remember the last time I had so much fun.'

Slowly, he ran his hands through his hair, contemplating what to say. 'I should really thank you. For helping me face my fear as you like to say. It meant alot. I owe you.'

'No you don't.' I said as I climbed out the car. But then I paused and looked back at him. 'Actually you can do a favour for me.'

'Yeah, what?' 

'Go on it again. Together,' I added.

'Done,' he replied instantly.


 I rang my Mum wondering when she would be back. She didn't actually tell me how long she would but she had to travel all the way to London so she was bound to take some time. Still, I couldn't help but worry. The divorce has been long, tedious and very messy. At least they both had the sense to not use me as the pawn in their war, allowing me to live with my Mum and seeing my Dad every other weekend. 

The problem was the money. The source of everything evil in the world. Because with money came power and with that came snobbery. A lot of it. I always have this image of everyone in my family walking round wearing Polo t shirts and pearls with their noses in the air and a butler following them, waving The Times newspaper.

I put the phone down in frustration as it went straight to voice mail. My dad wasn't picking up either. John's face flashed on my home screen and I felt queasy in the bottom of my stomach. 

I thought about seeing Quinn and Steph. They didn't look surprised when they saw me so they must've seen me before. But where? I hadn't noticed them whatsoever and Jarrod didn't mention anything. 

When we was going on the ferris wheel. They must've seen me holding Jarrod's hand. No wonder they were so hostile to Jarrod and Quinn looked like he was a laugh. They saw us. Hand in hand. Just like John saw Quinn kiss me. 

I jumped up from the chair and ran for the front door, locking it as quickly as possible. I turned left heading for John's house.

My car was at the garage and a taxi wasn't an option. There was no way I would be able to sit quietly in the back of a strangers car. I was restless.

It was colder than before and rain began to pour. Light at first like a spring show shower but then it grew heavier and faster, great big drops smacking at my body, making me colder, making me shiver. But I knew had to keep going. 

His house wasn't far, maybe about fifteen minutes. I stood in front of it. A traditional Georgian house with a green lawn and shrubs. A driving stretching on either side of the house. A white door in the middle, making perfect symmetry. 

Step by step I went to the door, the rain still lashing at me violently as if it was trying to force me back; stop from reaching John. I rang the bell. 

The door opened. John stared at me, his face impassive, his eyes taking me in. I was shivering even harder now with John's eyes on me. Suddenly I wished I never left the house. Why did I? Why did I come out here when he was sure to turn me away. 

Neither of us said anything for a long time. Hours could've passed and I wouldn't have known even in this freezing rain.

Without saying anything he walked away further into the house but he didn't shut the door. Still I couldn't go in without him telling me. I needed him to say it was ok. No, I needed more than that. I needed him to hold me.

I was just about to leave when John came back holding a light blue towel outstretched towards me. I stepped inside, taking the towel from his hands as I heard the soft click of the door shutting behind me.

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