Chapter 3

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I called and I called and I called. Not once did he pick up. I emailed him on facebook. No reply. I went to his house but he wasn't in.

I closed my eyes tightly and the scene unfolded once again before my eyes. That look of despair in his eyes. The hurt. The anger. And yet in the end he looked out for me, in the face of my supposed betrayal. 

I rolled over in my bed and eyed my phone but dropped it on the floor in disappointment. Suddenly a sound burst through the room. My phone. Hastily I picked it up and answered immediately. 

'John, I'm so sorry, it wasn't what it looked like,' I cried.


The voice stopped me from saying anything else. It wasn't John as I initially thought but it was Quinn. 'What do you want, Quinn?'

He sighed. 'I'm sorry. I didn't know he was there.'

'You shouldn't have kissed me whether he was there or not.'

'I didn't mean for him to see.'

'Tell him the truth,' I said coldly. 'Tell him it was all you. Sort this out, Quinn because it's all your fault.'

I waited for him to speak, the only sound was the dull noise and his shallow breathing.

Finally, he sighed. 'I rang him but he didn't pick up. He's staying at Ianto's and he won't even let me past the door.'

I growled in frustration. 'Are you happy now, Quinn? You got what you wanted after all.'

'This isn't what I wanted, Penelope,' he replied. 'I just wanted to have sex with you, not split you and my best friend up.'

'Why?' I asked.

'This is me, Penelope. That's what I do. I'm a fuck up, remember?'

'Yeah,' I said bitterly, 'you never just leave it at a kiss.'

'I'm sorry, P. This wasn't what I wanted. I tried talking to him but he didn't listen. I've done what I can.'

He hung up, taking my chance of arguing with him any further.

I turned off the light and closed my eyes hoping that tomorrow at college I can finally sort everything out. 

I walked to lunch trying to ignore the stares from my fellow first years. We knew everyone which meant everyone knew us. People really thought I was the bad guy here. After all, John was a great guy and literally loved by everyone. 

I scanned the canteen but no of my friends were here. They all rang me to but I didn't answer. Scarlett came round and I told her what happened. Thankfully she believe me. It was a relief to know someone was on my side and not everyone believed I was a cheating bitch.

There was so much noise from the endless chatter and there were cans and plastic boxes on the floor. It wasn't packed and yet I felt oddly lonely. A girl who went out with a John for a few almost five years ago walked past, glarinf furiously at me. I stuck my finger up at her and smiled tauntingly when she gawked with shock.

I sat down on our table, getting out my sandwich that my mum quickly made for me in the morning. I glanced at the entrance, hoping one of them would come in. Maybe they were with John. But then, where was Quinn? Surely he wouldn't be with them?

Suddenly a shadow fell over me and I looked up, thinking I was going to see a familiar face but instead it was a tall and lean guy with short black hair and green eyes framed by thick black eyelashes. I felt a twinge of familiarity at seeing his face and then slightly overwhelmed by the masculine beauty he had. He had a roughness to him that I've always admired- a bit like John.

His gaze met mine and he smiled. 'Seat taken?' He questioned.

I shook my head. 'Nobody is going to be rushing over to sit with me.'

'Ah, so you actually want my company?'

'Yes I do. Hopefully, you'll stop me from going mad.'

He laughed and I couldn't help but laugh along with him. 

'So, why are you the outcast of the college?' He asked.

I bit into my sandwich. 'Long and terrible story. I don't wanna lose the only company I have.' 

'Depends on the story.'

I looked at him. He wasn't forcing me to go on. Usually people always wanted to know the gossip, they didn't really care about you. 

'Everyone thinks I cheated on my boyfriend.' I admitted sheepishly, looking round to see if anyone was listening.

'Classic college drama,' he grinned and took a gulp of his coke.

I tilted my head, looking at him in awe. 'Aren't you gonna ask me if I did?'

He leaned forward slightly and raised an eyebrow. 'Well, did you?' He asked with a slight smile.

'No,' I said, shaking my head, 'I didn't.'

'That's what I thought.'

Again I looked at him and I felt grateful that he didn't think I did. A complete stranger didn't immediately assume the worst of me. 

'So, what's the story?'

I sighed, 'One of his best friends kissed me and he saw before I could push him away.'

'You know, when you really want something, things have a way of working themselves out.'

'You think?' I said softly and he nodded at me.

'Are you a second year?' I asked. I didn't remember seeing him around ever so he had to be a year above or maybe even new.

'I just started today. That's why I've resorted to sitting with the outcast at lunch?'

I smiled sympathetically at him. 'No new friends?'

He chuckled. 'I'm picky, still deciding who to go with. I don't wanna choose someone like your boyfriends friends.'

'That is a very good idea. I wish he had it too.' I opened my crisps, offering him some, he took a handful and mixed it with his baked beans.

'What's wrong?' He asked.

'Nothing,' I said. 'Why?'

He waved his hands expressively. 'I don't know. Suddenly this far away look just covered your face.'

I laughed, not having a reply. If I was going to tell him the truth, I would've said that John had crisps with baked beans.

I looked at the time and realised that lunch was over and I had a lesson. 'Do you have a free now?' I asked.

'Yeah. Do you?' He added.

I frowned. 'No, it's just lunch is over and you still haven't finished.' I looked down at his plate.

'I have a big appetite,' he admitted.

I lifted my bag on to my shoulder and grabbed my folders.

'I'm Jarrod, by the way.' he said.


He smiled warmly at me. 'I'll see you around, Penelope.'


Sorry for the delay and a short chapter. I quickly typed this up because I received an email from a fan! So give your thanks to relyea1!

Comments would be appreciated!!! 

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