Chapter 12

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Steph's mouth closed as she realised I  was staring at her. I searched her face for any emotions and I found nothing. 

'I'll catch up with you in a bit,' she informed her friends who preceded to walk away. 

I walked towards her, ignoring Jarrod's pleas until we were stood face to face, only inches apart. 'Well, aren't you going to say anything?' I asked with a smile.

'What do you want me to say?' Steph replied evenly. 

I laughed mockingly and clicked my tongue. 'You're not gonna admit what you did?' I paused, waiting for her to respond but she remained silent. 'I'm surprised. You've always been a coward.' I paused again as I saw her face tense in anger. 'I know it was you that sent that photo to John.'

Suddenly, Steph got her voice back as she spoke venomously. 'John's my friend. He deserved to know what a liar you was.' She scoffed as her eyes roamed by body. 'I don't know why he's always crying over you. John could do so much better.'

That statement hit me like a bucket of ice water. She was right. John could so much better. But I loved him with all my heart and isn't that the most you could ask for in another person? I looked up at Steph as she smiled triumphantly at me. There were only a handful of people around; most people were in class or studying elsewhere. I was glad that there weren't many people round- I hated public confrontations. It was such an embarrassing thing and lacked so much class. My parents definitely raised me better.

'Why are you smiling, Steph? We both know there's only whore in our group and I'm looking right at her.' I smiled inwardly as Steph's eyes snapped fire and her jaw clenched. I was truly getting a kick out of this.

Still I couldn't get rid of the urge to punch her. Always end the fight but don't start it, I said to myself. That's one of the first things my Dad taught me. 

All of a sudden, Steph stepped forward and her hand connected with my cheek. 

'You, bitch!' She yelled as I heard Jarrod call my name.

I smiled at her. She started the fight. All I had to do was end it. I felt my fist clench as I bought it up and smashed it into her eye. She let out a horrifying scream and collapsed to the floor, her hand clutching her now bruised eye. I waited for her to stand up. I was still furious.

Jarrod grabbed me above my elbows and swiftly turned me round so I was facing him. 'What are you doing? That was a very impressive punch but do you really want to get excluded?'

Glancing towards Steph, I noticed her standing up. But it didn't look as though she was going to retaliate anytime soon. 

'What the hell?' A familiar voice remarked.

My eyes landed on Quinn who was staring at Steph with his mouth open.

'Steph, are you ok?' Quinn asked softly.

'Just leave me alone, arsehole!' She barked and scurried away but not without giving me a murderous glance.

'You might want to put some ice on that, Steph!' I shouted after her but she ignored me.

Quinn shrugged and turned to me, concern suffusing his features. 'What happened? Are you ok? Your cheek is red.'

Instinctively I touched it. It was a little sore but nothing to worry about. 'I'm fine. Thanks for asking.' Looking at me knuckles I flinched; they were sore and bleeding a little.

'Take her to the Nurse,' Quinn said to Jarrod who nodded. He then looked at me and offered an awkward smile. 'Is it okay if I ring you later? Just to sort some things out?'

Sighing, I nodded and watched as he walked away. I really needed a proper talk with Quinn to find out his side of the story. 

'Let's take you to the Nurse,' Jarrod ordered as he pulled at me sleeve.

'No,' I said adamantly. 'I'm fine. I feel really good inside.'

'Yeah, but on the outside, not that good.' 




'Are we really gonna do this?' He said sternly.

Rolling my eyes, I sighed in defeat. 'Fine.'


'No way.' I stated. I looked out the window of Jarrod's car as he drove me home from college in bewilderment. 'Are you making these stories up? They can't really have happened.'

Jarrod nodded as if he couldn't quite believe it himself. 'It happened but that's nothing. We were having an end of term party last year and I was pissed out my mind. Like I had no idea who I was let alone where I was.'

'Stop waffling, just tell me,' I urged impatiently.

Rolling his eyes, Jarrod continued. 'I woke up naked and duck taped to the wall. It took an hour to get me out.'

Gasping, my eyes snapped to him shock. 'Duck taped? To the wall? Really?'

Jarrod looked at me with sadness. 'I really needed a wee too. I nearly let myself go!'

Finding his feigned look of sorrow endearing, I reached across and pinched his cheek. 'You poor boy! But on another note, maybe you should reduce your drinking habits.'

'Thing is though I never actually drink. When I go to these parties I just get carried away,' he moaned. 'Plus peer pressure is a bitch.'

I raised an eyebrow and looked at him speculatively. 'You give in to peer pressure?'

He exhaled loudly. 'Fine, there's no peer pressure. I just can't hold my drink.'

Jarrod pulled into my driveway. 

As I unbuckled my seat belt he spoke, 'Looks like your home alone. Again.'

'Yeah,' I responded. 'She rang this morning saying she'll probably be back tonight.' As I attempted to opened the door, I hissed as jolts of pain shot through my bruised knuckles.

'Still hurts, eh?' Jarrod remarked with concern. 'Here, give me your hand.' I looked at him quizzically, wondering why. 'Come on, I won't bite,' he insisted.

I gave in as he gently took hold of my hand. I almost gasped at the contact of our skin; his touch was so warm and inviting, the way he held me made me feel delicate and precious. I looked at his face. His eyebrows were furrowed in concern as he rubbed his thumb across my knuckles in circles. I was astonished. The pain was there but it didn't bother me- all I could think about was the tingles his simple touch sent through me. I couldn't stop myself from coming closer to him.

I was startled as he looked up because he stared straight into my eyes: completely captivating me. I was drowning in the green sea of his eyes. He leaned forward towards me, I could feel the hot breath escaping his lips like a forlorn sigh. His lips seemed inches away and I wondered: Was he going to kiss me? Did I want him to?

IMPORTANT A/N: Ok I'm confused. Should they kiss or not? Is it too soon? Who kisses first? Penelope or Jarrod? Should they EVER kiss? (LOL) Where do YOU want it to go?

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