Chapter 5

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I splashed cold water over my face, trying to hide the puffiness after hours of crying that kept me up at night. Looking in the mirror I hated how defeated I appeared.

This wasn't me. All my life, I'd been the strong and collected one. I was the last person who would end up in a mess over a boy. Even if that boy was my soulmate.



I shut my locker and turned round at the sound of Steph's voice. I smiled at her as she look at me 'Hey,' I said softly.

'Hey', she replied. 'When will you start hanging around with us again?'

I looked down at the floor momentarily and sighed. 'I can't. Not if John's there.'

'Then, why can't Deanne and I stay with you? You know, girls gotta stick together and all that.'

I shook my head. 'I don't wanna take John's friends away from him. Besides, I do have other friends, you know.' I smile teasingly.

Steph rolled her eyes. 'But, not close friends, P. Plus, Scarlett's on that exchange trip to France.'

'Lucky her,' I whispered. 'Anyway, I've got to get to lunch. I'm starving.'

As I pulled my bag across my shoulder she grabbed my shoulder.

'Want me to eat with you?' She asked.

I bit my lip as I stared at her pale brown eyes. John doesn't have to sit with everyone, every single lunch. I haven't done anything wrong, after all. Suddenly I remembered Jarrod. He's been sitting with me all week now and he was great to talk to. 

'Sit with John, Steph. I'll see you later.' I waved goodbye as she dropped arms and I walked towards the canteen.

This time Jarrod beat me to it and he was already there stuffing himself like a wolf. 

'Hey there, player,' I teased as I sat in front of Jarrod.

He grinned at me. 'Hey there, cheater.'

I frowned and narrowed my eyes at him as he looked at me with a smirk. 'Still, a sore subject?'

He sighed as I nodded and shook his head.

He dropped his knife and fork onto his plate. 'Let's make a deal. You stop calling me player, and I stop calling you cheater.'

'Hmm,' I mumbled and pretended to think about it. 'How about you stop calling me cheater and I continue to call you player.'

He chuckled. 'Lawyers are dirty players.'

I laughed and then we lapsed into silence as we both ate. After a while, Jarrod suddenly sighed as if he wanted to say something but then he carried on drinking his coke. I looked up and saw that he was watching me incredulously.

'What?' I asked, covering my mouth. 'Do I have something in my teeth? God, ever since I had braces my teeth never fail to embarass me.' I grabbed my bag and opened it up, looking for a mirror.

'No, you don't have anything in your teeth,' he responded with amusement. 'Though I would pay to see that sight.'

I glared at him for making me feel so embarrassed. 'What is it then?'

He ran his hand through his hair as his eyes darted round nervously. 'I was wondering, if you wanted to go the fair with me?' His question was surprisingly confident compared to the way his eyes were looking round just seconds before.

'The fair's in town?' I asked. When did they come?

He nodded. 'So, what do you say?'

I looked at him for a second. Why did he want to go with me, the cheater? I'm sure there were heaps of people he could ask. 'Yeah,' I said anyway. 'Sounds fun.'

Jarrod grinned at me happily, his green eyes sparkling. 'I'll pick you up tonight at six.' He then reached into his bag and took out paper and a pen. Writing something, he slipped it across to me.

I took it and realised it was his number. 'Thanks,' I mumbled. I felt nervous as I realised he was staring at me again. 'What is it now?'

'Aren't you gonna give me your number and address?' He asked smoothly.

I narrowed my eyes at him. 'You're just too good at this, player.' 

I took some of his paper and wrote it down. 'Don't lose it now, I won't give it to you again.'

'What's that?' 

I jumped up nervously at the sound of Steph's voice as Jarrod merely looked up calmly, hardly phased by her interruption.

'That's for me to know,' Jarrod said as he slipped it into his pocket.

'Hey,' I said to her. For some reason, her being here made me feel nervous and even a little guilty but i had no idea why. I also didn't understand why I wanted her to leave as soon as possible. 

'Do you wanna go out tonight?' She asked.

My eyes snapped to Jarrod's face who was watching me intently then back to Steph's. Her face looked rather stoic. 'Sorry,' I said. 'I'm doing something with someone else.'

For a second I thought her gaze shifted to Jarrod. 

'Ok,' she replied. 'Maybe another time.' Just before she left I saw her eye Jarrod again.

Simultaneously, Jarrod and I let out a deep breath. 

'That was awkward,' he stated.

I blinked. It really was. But, why? I spoke to her a few minutes ago and it was fine. And why didn't I tell her who I was going with or invite her? I snapped out of my inner monologue as I heard Jarrod's voice.

Suddenly, I realised that he wasn't just calling me for who knows how long but leaning across the table, so close to my face that I felt his hot breath caress my face. Somehow his eyes seemed even more exhilarating up close. 

'Are you okay?' he breathed quietly.

I felt captured by his gaze as he stared at me. I nodded, unable to form a coherent response.

'Are you sure?' he whispered, coming even closer.

I swallowed and somehow managed to smile. 'Perfect.'


Hello! Sorry for the poor grammar and the boring chapter. Next chapter is all about their night together so things are bound to be exciting! Maybe even a twist? ;)

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