Chapter 16

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Opening up the photo album, my eyes immediately began searching for photos of John and I. Even though we are not in any official relationship, I felt like I had cheated him somehow. I spent the whole day in Jarrod's arms , forgetting the whole world and letting it recede into nothing. Jarrod and I seemed to do that a lot: kiss. Even if we weren't kissing Jarrod was always touching me. A peck on the cheek, his hand around my waist or even the way he gazed into my eyes. It was so intense that I felt as though he was all over me. So much passion and fire could be felt from one glance, one smile. 

My eyes landed on a picture of John and I last winter. We were both on the snow covered ground, John awkwardly on top of me and trying hard not to crush me. I had slipped on the ice, fallen and dragged John down with me. Sometimes I think I didn't really bring him down- John just didn't let go and fell with me willingly. In the photo, our hands are still clutched together even though it would have been a reflex to let go. 

Closing the book, I placed it back in the drawer of my wardrobe and slipped into bed. I was just about to close my eyes when my phone suddenly vibrated.

I had an amazing day today. Second best part was watching you run away from that squirrel and screaming my name. The first was when you let me hold your hand with no regret, guilt or awkwardness on your face. See you soon. X

I never realised I looked like that when he tried to hold my hand. Maybe it was because John had clouded my mind so many times or just because Jarrod was a new person. Someone I was yet to know properly. Putting the phone back I went into a deep sleep. 


I leaned back in my chair and picked at the fruit I was eating. The table Jarrod and I usually occupied for the past few meets during lunch had been claimed by some other group so I latched onto the first empty table I saw. I forgot how boring it was to sit on my own. Since Jarrod had gone home early I was forced to do so and with no reply from Quinn I had no option but to go solo.

Just as I finished my trail of thoughts, a figure slid into the seat in front of me and snatched a piece of my apple. Without looking up I kicked the person. I knew who it was almost immediately.

'Quinn, get your own food,' I scolded playfully.

'I only took a tiny bit!' He whined. 

Rolling my eyes, I continued eating. 'Why didn't you reply to my text? Idiot.'

Quinn shrugged. 'Sorry, I didn't check my phone.' He then proceeded to take it out and show me his screen.

'I believe you, idiot.,' I responded as I shoved the phone away from my face. 'Where's Ianto and John?'

He shrugged again. 'I haven't seen them all day. I think they have the afternoon off so they headed home early. I was gonna come eat with you anyway.' He stopped and looked at me thoughtfully. 'Unless you were with a certain someone.'

'You can say his name, you know.'

Adopting a girly voice that was a cross between Angelica from Rugrats and Eliza Thornberry, he said, 'Jarrod, my new lover boy!'

Laughing lightly, I threw my tissue in his face. 'What the hell was that?'

'Princess, don't throw your STD ridden tissue on me!'

My mouth dropped open. 'I beg your pardon? You're the one that hops from one girl to another like a free hooker. You walk around with a constant boner!'

Quinn raised his eyebrows. 'You look down there, babe? He smiled devilishly. 'Come on, don't be shy. You can admit it.'

'You're disgusting. Like gonorrhea. Like that song!' Immediately I regretted my words as Quinn began rapping the whole thing. Thank God that things like this was normal in the canteen otherwise everyone would be watching us. But deep down I was enjoying it; Quinn was just too hilarious sometimes. As Quinn came to a halt my hands dropped from my ears and I released a sigh.

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