End of summer

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A/N: Hope you like it!

Silena's POV:

"Silenaaaa! Get out of bed! We have to go to Diagon Alley! Loads to shop, honestly, it feels like we were in Egypt for a very long time. Well, three weeks are quite long but-" My mom began with her monologue!

Ugh! I want my sleep, not this!

"Mmhm." I replied, knowing it was the last bit of sleep I'd get but I guess that was a wrong move.

"SILENA MOLLY WEASLEY! GET YOUR LAZY BUTT OUT OF BED THIS INSTANT!" Mum screamed at me. Her patience was quite short today, shorter than usual. And that is saying a lot!

"Careful mum! You're going to really damage my hearing one day." I groaned, putting the quilt above my head. I'm just asking for trouble. Why, Silena? Why? Probably because I'm stupid.

"And you're going to really damage your life one day if you're lazy." Mum shot at me. Everything has to be a life lesson. I secretly rolled my eyes, knowing I'd get in even more trouble for that but still I wonder what happened to Mum? Why was she so cranky? No, she's actually always like this.

I groaned but went to get ready, not wanting to damage my hearing even further or to get murdered and believe me, Mum has the ability to do so.

Well, I'm Silena Molly Weasley. The only girl born in the Weasley family in seven generations.

A/N: Ginny doesn't exist.
And you'd think I'd be pampered because of being an only daughter! But noooo! Having mum as a mum, you can just cross out pampering from your dictionary. But I'm okay with that. . . Who can get pampered when you have six brothers?

I'm the sister of Fred and George and not only just a sister, their triplet. So , if I was pampered I would be teased to death by then. But I love them And I love all my other brothers and everyone. My four other brothers are Bill, the oldest, the one we just visited in Egypt. He's pretty cool, was a really popular guy during his time at Hogwarts. Then there's Charlie, he too played Quiddich like Bill and now he's in Romania working with Dragons. Then there's Percy. The headboy. The pompous one. Then there's Fred, George and I, the coolest, not to mention funniest and most good looking. After that, the youngest Ron who loves to eat and is practically like the baby of the family which doesn't mean we spoil him. On the contrary, it means we love teasing him to death.

I love all my brothers though and my family, the entire Weasley clan. I'm quite a loving person. Well, kind of. Sometimes. But whatever.

Now that I'm dying because of my Mum of course and you all are going to honour me, I guess it won't hurt for all of you to know what I look like. 

I have dark red hair. Well, it's not that dark but it's definitely darker than the ginger hair all my siblings have which is more on the orange side really. I have blue-grey eyes. Mum says they're pretty but to be honest, I'd rather have her brown eyes or dad's entirely blue eyes. And unlike most of my brothers, I'm quite short. Sigh. I guess I took after my Mum for my height. And my short temper comes from her too.

Dad is so even tempered, it's unreal! I guess that's why Mum and him got married and well, can bear each other.

Anyway, I better start getting ready. I took a shower, brushed my teeth etc. I took out some random clothes because getting ready was like way too girly especially for someone who belonged to the Weasley 'Clan'. Yes, my dad came up with that.

"IM READY MUM!" I screamed, knowing it would not be appreciated. Mum could scream all she wanted but when it came to us, she wanted pin drop silence. Like that would happen. If you want silence, you don't give birth to seven children.

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