I thought there would be tryouts...

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Silena's POV:


I looked at the notice board and shrugged. Should I?

Hermione stood beside me.

"Hey, Silena!" She smiled.

"Hello, 'Mione," I replied, in a cheery voice. I just felt good today.

"Doesn't it feel amazing to be back?" She asked me, today was obviously her 'I'm so happy' day too.

"Sure does," I grinned, I had really missed Hogwarts over the break.

"Are you thinking of trying out?" She gestured towards the notice board. Couldn't hide anything from this girl. She's just so observant!

"Ahh! I don't know," I shrugged, I was clearly hesitating.

"I think you should. I've seen you play," She encouraged.

"That's in front of my brothers and you and people I'm close to and I'm still kind of jumpy," I shrugged.

"Just give it a shot," She urged.

"Hermione?" I asked, wanting advice.

"Yes?" She replied.

"Okay, so I've been thinking that well, Cedric asked me to try out and all and I don't know if I should listen to him. I mean he's nice and all but..." I trailed off. I really didn't want her to get another meaning. Getting the position of chaser was sort of a part of my subconscious since forever and so what Cedric said only merely encouraged me.

"I don't get what you mean," She looked at me, with a questioning look.

I gaped at her. This is Hermione we're talking about. I gave her a weird look.

"I mean we've all been telling you to tryout for ages. You've never given it a second thought but now that a random guy who supposedly doesn't mean 'anything' to you, advised you to do so then you're considering it. Now this can mean one thing. You want further conversation with him which means that you are attracted to him if not fancying him." She said it all in one breath.

"No, Hermit." I grinned, trying to get under her skin.

"Shut it! But seriously, stop avoiding my question; what is going on between you two?" She asked, obviously desperate to know. She loved knowing everything so much.

"Nothing at all!" I replied, shrugging my shoulders.

She gave me a don't bull shit me look. I rolled my eyes. Ugh! Why are you so smart, Hermione?

"Bye," I replied, not willing to spill all my secrets.

Honestly, though I believe that I always thought Cedric was very handsome but after getting to know him, maybe I had just sort of gotten attracted to him. Ehh! I don't know.

I mean maybe Cedric encouraged me because well, he didn't really know me and my family does and so sometimes they say things not to hurt me so, ergh I don't know!!!

It had come by so fast, I hadn't even noticed. There was only one slot but I was going to get in. I had to.

I quickly made my way out of my dorm, full of newfound determination. I saw the Quiddich captain.

"OLIVER!" I yelled. Here come, the Molly Weasley qualities.

"Oh hey!" He replied, with a smile.

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