Family and Secrets.

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I woke up in the morning, feeling dreamy for no particular reason until I remembered,



But one thing was still bothering me, he had just left suddenly after that, what if he regretted kissing me?

What if I should have stopped him or maybe kissed him back? I just stood there, frozen like an idiot. I don't know if this means if we're together or not but I do know that it means that he likes me but I don't know, maybe. But should I really be with him? I mean what if he leaves me or something. I really didn't know what to do.

I made my way out of my dorm and saw Hermione.

"Hey, you little, frizzball," I grinned.

"Silena!" She rolled her eyes.

"So, I forgot to ask you, how was your first trip to Hogsmade?" I questioned.

"Ah, it was lovely and I noticed you had a good time," she winked.

Shit! Bloody hell! How much had she seen? And Ron was probably with her so that means by entire family must know by now. I started sweating. What was going to happen?! How would my parents react?!

"What?" I asked, trying to act innocent.

"I saw you and Diggory were holding hands." She smirked.

Shit, shit !!!!!

"Ron saw, as well?" I asked her, worriedly.

"Oh, no because you see, I'm a good friend and so I managed to distract him." She grinned.

I instantly relaxed.

"I love you, Hermione!" I breathed a sigh of relief.

"Okay, now let me study! Shoo!" Hermione told me, holding three, very heavy books in her hand.

"Wait, I have to tell you something ," I told her.

"Yeah?" She asked, wearily. Hmm, she seemed tired.

"Okay, so umm, Cedric Diggory sort of, um kissed me..?" I said, more in a questioning way, though.

"Wait, what? And where?" Hermione asked, curiously, her eyes round like a galleon. Guess she forgot all the studying now!

"Ummm," I was too busy blushing.

"Oh, my Merlin!" Hermione, whisper-yelled.

"Yeah but I'm worried," I confessed.

"Why? You really like him," she said, looking at me with a confused look.

"I do, I do but the thing is, I didn't kiss him back, I just stood there like an idiot, plus he left so suddenly after that," I sighed.

"Hmm, tell me everything from the moment, you saw him in the Great Hall," Hermione demanded.

I told her everything, not missing out a single detail.

"Well, I suggest you simply wait for him to talk to you, go to the Great Hall," She instructed.

"Mhm, okay,"

I quickly made my way out of the common room and towards the Great Hall. I saw McGonnagal was handing out forms to everyone.

"Ah, Ms Weasley! Here, I need you to sign whether you're leaving for the Christmas holidays or not?" McGonnagal asked me.

I hadn't seen my family since the first of September and I had barely wrote to them at all! Classes really kept me busy, plus, I also heard Mum telling us that Bill was coming as well, maybe. But there was a chance and Christmas is always for family.

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