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"Finally!" Fred grumbled as we reached home tired as hell.

"It's so good to be back!" George sighed, putting emphasis on 'so'. He stretched his long arms out.

"I know, right?" I added, with a yawn. I was equally as tired.

"Ahh! Dears! Finally here? How was school? And Silena, why on Earth haven't you replied to any of my letters? Or your fathers?" Mum flared.

Hey, what about the letter I wrote to you? Can I at least get partial Credit for that?

"Oh, Mum! You don't know the pressure of O.W.Ls!" I told her, exaggerating a bit. Okay, I wanted to do something normal teenagers do and I guess that includes ignoring your parents.

Don't judge me please. At the time I felt cool. Well, kind of and then I felt immensely guilty so don't try this at home!

Haha I just made a Muggle reference!

Please tell me you got it!

"Well, you aren't the only giving them!" Mum folded her arms together. Didn't she know Fred and George? They probably don't even care!

"I know! But Mum you don't know how hard it is for people who actually study and as Dumbledore made me prefect this year, I felt it was only right to prove myself," I stated, this was actually the truth, I was so busy in everything that was going, I completely forgot to write to them but of course, my siblings thought it was because of something or rather, someone else.

Honestly, can't even be friends with a cute guy.

And kiss him too! Said a voice in my head.


"Ah yes! And Silena dear just forgot to mention one teeny tiny fact!" George snarled. He was so dead!

What flowers would you like on your coffin, Georgie?

"And that is...?" Mum asked, flares in her eyes now as always!

"Aha! That is Cedric Diggory, Mum!" Fred told her with a sarcastic grin but hastily changed it into a disapproving look when he caught Mum's eye.

"And who is that, Silena?" Mum asked narrowing her eyes.

"It's just a misunderstanding, I mean yes, we're friends but that doesn't mean I spend all my time with him, I don't, I also have other friends besides you two, right? Like Angelia and Mary Ann? And Hermione? And yes, Cedric too so if I spend any time with Cedric, I hardly see why there is a problem because he's my friend too?" I defended myself.

"Cedric Diggory? Amos Diggory's son. Well, that's fine. Amos Diggory is a nice enough man except he can get mean at times but other than that I don't think he's a bad person. But ohh! We were invited to his house the summer before last and ah, his son was such a charming lad! I think it's splendid that you're friends with someone other than these, Silena dear," Mum smiled at me while I breathed a sigh of relief.

"Mum, I think I would like to go and rest for a while in my room, I promise that I'll be out soon enough," I was regretting coming already!

Of course Fred and George would ignore me and Percy would sit in his room, looking at his trophies for the rest of the holidays!

Triple Trouble { A Cedric Diggory Love story } Where stories live. Discover now